REPORTS OF MEETINGS 305 Election of Officers and Council. The President announced that at the Ordinary Meeting held on 25 Feb- ruary 1950, the following nominations to fill three vacancies on the Council were made, and in the absence of any other nominations, these nominees were declared duly elected : Miss Elsa Hilbert, Mr. W. E. Broughton, B.Sc, and Mr. E. F. Williams' F.R.E.S., F.Z.S. The President read the following nominations of Officers of the Club : President : Mr. Laurence S. Harley, B.Sc, M.I.E.E. Hon. Treasurer : Mr. F. C. Wickson. Joint Hon. Secretaries : Messrs Wilfred J. Foster, LL.B., Bernard T. Ward. Joint Hon. Field Meeting Secretaries : Mr. and Mrs. R. Ward. Hon. Curator, Essex Museum : Mr. Edgar E. Syms, F.R.E.S., F.Z.S. Hon. Curator, Epping Forest Museum : Mr. Bernard T. Ward. Hon. Librarian : Mr. C. Hall Crouch, F.S.G. Hon. Editor : Mr. C. Bignell Pratt, M.P.S. Hon. Assistant Secretary and Assistant Librarian : Miss Elsie A. Greaves. In the absence of any further nominations, all the above-named were declared duly elected. Alteration of Rules. In accordance with Rule 23, the following alterations and additions to the Rules, having been duly circulated to the members, were, on the proposal of the President, unanimously adopted: Rule 3. That the words "Field Meeting Secretary" be in substitution of the words "Excursion Secretary". That there be a new rule to be num- bered Rule 15 : Rule 15. Affiliation. "Any kindred society, approved by the Council, may be affiliated to the Club on payment of a minimum subscription of one guinea, the amount to be determined by the Council. Such society shall be entitled to receive all publications of the Club on the same basis as ordinary members. An affiliated society, through its secretary or other accredited representative, shall be entitled to exercise a right of one vote at the Club's meetings, and to borrow books from the library. Contributions submitted by an affiliated society shall be considered for publication in the Essex Naturalist on the same basis as those submitted by members. Members of an affiliated society may attend indoor meetings of the Club and, by arrange- ment with the Field Meeting Secretary, a number may attend field meetings of the Club." (The inclusion of this new rule will entail the re-numbering of the present Rules 15 to 23.) That the present Rule 15 be amended as follows: "Members, associates, and affiliated societies wishing to resign at the ter- mination of any year are required to notify the Secretary in writing of their intention on or before 1 November. Failure to do so shall render the mem- ber, or affiliated society, liable for the subscription for the ensuing year". The President delivered his address on the subject of "Essex Bricks", and kindly accepted the suggestion that it be printed in the Club's journal. The meeting terminated at 4.30 p.m. Epping Forest and Copped Hall (920th Meeting) SUNDAY, 23 APRIL 1950 Some forty members gathered at the "Wake Arms" at 11 a.m. for this ramble which was intended mainly for the study of bird song. The morning being somewhat chilly, the party was glad to be on the move, and a course