2 THE ESSEX NATURALIST INDEX TO VOLUME 28 Abridge visited, 307 — district visited, 91 Acer saccharum exhibited, 303 Alga from water-cooling plant ex- hibited, 157 Algal concretions exhibited, 238 Althorne visited, 310 Amanita spp. in Epping Forest, 36 Amsinckia angustifolia, 280 Anania nubilalis (Lep.) in Essex, 80 Annual Meeting 1946, 42; 1947, 85; 1948, 149; 1949, 222; 1950, 304 Anting by birds, 119 Argynnis paphia and A. aglaia at Loughton, 37 Arum neglectum exhibited, 316 Audley End House, 138 Audley End visited, 44 Aurelia Type 1, 280 Bacteria, 65 Badger setts visited, 225 Barnes, Mrs., visits the Club, 148 Bath White butterfly in Essex, 80 Beetles hawked by gulls, 141 Billericay district visited, 69 Bird and Tree competition, 140 Bird notes from the Essex coast, 285 Bird records from eastern Essex, 201 Birds as the food of fishes, 12 — Anting by, 119 — on the Essex coast, 142 — Rare, near Colchester, 38 — in the Lea valley, 76 — Altered status of, in North Fam- bridge, 198 — at North Fambridge, 289 — at Parndon, 142 — of St. Osyth district, 287 — in Wanstead Park, 141 — recorded, 43, 46, 86, 87, 89, 92, 149, 150, 153, 155, 224, 226, 227, 229,231,233, 235, 306, 308 Blackbird feigning injury, 76 Black-headed Gulls, A breeding colony of, 289 Black-winged Stilt, 140 Blue-green algae exhibited, 39 Blue-headed Wagtail, 141 Boletus parasiticus, 280 Books recommended, 145, 274 Book-plates exhibited, 94 Bow Porcelain presented, 81, 143 Brachypterolus vestitus, 37 Bradwell-juxta-Mare visited, 235 Bradwell Point, Submerged buildings off, 279 Brefeldia maxima exhibited, 95 Brick buildings in Essex, 243 Bricks, Essex, 243 British Gulls, The Beginner's Intro- duction to, 274 British Harvest-spiders, 181 Broad-barred White moth, 211 Butterflies at Althorne, 311 — in Brentwood area, 210 — in Clacton area, 211 — in Essex 1949, 211 — in Felsted area, 290 — at Loughton, 37 — at North Fambridge, 294 — at Woodham Mortimer, 78 — and moths at Parndon, 36 -----------exhibited, 39 Butterflies' Eggs, 31 Butterfly, An Indian, at Forest Gate, 80 Camberwell Beauty butterfly, 140 Carp, A giant, at Chingford, 299 Catalpa bignonioides exhibited, 94 Celtic dyke at Lexden visited, 311 Cerianthus, 280 Cherry Tree Farm visited, 152 Cheshunt Field visited, 312 Chigwell visited, 308 Chigwell Parish Church, 308 Chrysophycean algae, 6 Churches, Pre-Conquest, 275 Clouded Yellow butterfly, 37 Clouds by Kirt Badt, 274 Coenagrion scitulum (Odonata) in Essex, 69, 140, 298 Coggeshall visited, 88 Colchester visited, 223, 311 Coleoptera new to Essex, 37 — of Colchester district, 298 Colonial Habit in some Lower Or- ganisms, The, 3 Comital Flora of the British Isles. Annotated copy exhibited, 238. 315 Conifers, Some common, and their Timbers, 25 Convolvulus Hawk moth, 211, 298 Coptfold Hall visited, 229, 308 Copped Hall visited, 305 Cordyceps sp. exhibited, 39 Council, Report of, 1948-49, 217 1949-50,218; 1950-51,300