4 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Harvest Spiders, British, 181 Hatfield Forest visited, 153 Hatfield Forest. Book notice, 83 Helioza, 6 Hemiptera-Heteroptera in Essex, 1950, 295 Hilbert, Miss G. B., retires from office, 154 Holly Blue butterfly, Unrecorded foodplant for, 298 Hoopoe, 141 Hornbeam pollards, photos ex- hibited, 220 House Sparrows stripping lime twigs, 38 Incense burner, Chinese, exhibited, 315 Ingatestone Church visited, 86 — district visited, 86, 225 Insect migration over Thames es- tuary, 299 Insects recorded, 153 Jellyfish in captivity, 280 Kelvedon visited, 309 Kew Herbarium visited, 84 Kingfisher display, 140 Kite in Essex, 207 Lambourne Church visited, 307 Large Tortoiseshell butterfly, 139 Lastrea cristata on a tree, 46 Leguminous plants, Some interest- ing, of South Essex, 284 Lepidoptera exhibited, 48, 94, 95, 157,315 — in east Essex 1950, 293 — in Essex, 79, 139, 291, 297 — at Southend 1947, 71 — in Southend district 1948, 138 — recorded, 45, 152, 153, 154, 155, 227,228,230,231,236,311 Lepidopterous larvae, Protective de- vices of, 158 Lexden visited, 311 Library, Recent additions to, 48, 81, 144 Lister, Miss E. M., Death of, 301 Lister, Miss G., Obituary notice, 214 Little Baddow Church visited, 44 Little Gull, 207 Little Ringed Plover, 142, 289 Little Sampford Church, Photos of chair-back and figure-head drip- stone exhibited, 317 Little Totham visited, 154 Liverworts recorded, 95, 225, 239 Living Tree, The, 103 Loughton Parish Church, 38 Main, Hugh. Obituary notice, 146 Maldon visited, 232 Man Orchis in Essex, The, 193 Mandarin Duck in Epping Forest, 75 Maniola jurtina, local races exhibited, 315 Marbled White butterfly, 211 Margaretting district visited, 228, 308 Meetings abandoned, 85 Membership list, 96, 318 Mersea Island visited, 223 Microsphaera alphetoides (perithe- cia!), 81 Mistletoe, 309 Mole Flea exhibited, 84 Monks and Barrows Farm visited, 226 Mosses recorded, 95, 225, 239 Museum, The Essex Negotiations with West Ham Cor- poration, 217 Birds presented by Miss G. Lister, 302 Bow Porcelain presented, 81, 143 Museum, The Epping Forest, re- opened, 143 Mycetozoa in Epping Forest, 16, 54, 134, 191,281 — exhibited, 39, 157, 314 — recorded, 95, 234 Myxobacteria, 7 Myxomycetes, 6 Nanomitrium tenerum exhibited, 239 Neolithic stones from Clacton ex- hibited, 39 Neolithic Trackway in Essex, Evi- dence for a, 172 -------visited, 303 New British Dragonfly in Essex, 69 New records for Essex: Anania nubilalis (Lepidoptera), 80 Amsinckia angustifolia (Boragin- aceae), 280 Brachypterolus vestitus (Coleop- tera), 37 Calamotropha paludella (Lepidop- tera), 72 Ctenophora flaveolata (Diptera), 36 Coenagrion scitulum (Odonata), 69