INDEX 5 Nonagria sparganii (Lepidoptera), 72 Pyrola rotundifolia (Ericaceae), 138 Stenopelmus rufinasus (Coleop- tera), 37 Tetrix subulata (Orthoptera), 297 Volucella zonaria (Diptera), 299 Noel-Buxton, Baron N. E,, Obituary notice, 146 North-East Essex Educational Fel- lowship Natural History Group, 280 Oak Galls in Epping Forest, 34, 41 Odynerus spinipes. Photographs ex- hibited, 316 Ongar to Fyfield ramble, 229 Orthodontium gracile, 68 Oxyptila maculosa (Arachnida) sp. nov., 63 Paintings in Essex exhibited, 157 Pearl-bordered Fritillary butterfly, 150 Pelosphaera rotans (Bacteria), 64 Phytoflagellates, 65 Pied Flycatcher at Chingford, 75 Pied Wagtail, Albinistic. Photo- graphs exhibited, 158 Pinus sylvestris var. Scotica ex- hibited, 47 Place Names, A jingle on, 316 Place-names containing "White", 239 Plants in the Grays area, 285 — of Epping Forest. Photographs exhibited, 147 Poplar Hawk X Eyed Hawk moth pupae exhibited, 314 Pre-Conquest churches of Essex and the method of laying out their plans, 275 Prittlewell Priory visited, 90 Protista, 3 Pyrola rotundifolia, 138 -------exhibited, 157 Quern, Puddingstone, discovered at Finchingfield, 278 Ramsbottom, John. Biographical Note, 271 Reptiles and Amphibia of the British Isles, 221 Riccia Huebeneriana exhibited, 240 Richter, J. H., Obituary notice, 147 Rivenhall Place visited, 309 River Roding ramble, 229 Rivers, The control of, 255 Rolls Park visited, 307 Roman cow's horn exhibited, 315 Ross, J., retires from curatorship, 148 Rules, Alteration of, 147, 305 Saffron Walden visited, 44 St. Osyth and District Bird Watching and Preservation Club, 287 St. Peter's Chapel, Bradwell, visited, 235 Salcot and Virley visited, 312 Sandon Church visited, 43 Sandpiper, Common, 207 Scrophularia vernalis, 194 Scourfield, D. J., Obituary notice, 215 -------, The published papers of, 195 Seal at Southend, 38 Sepsis fulgens (Diptera), 212 Silver-studded Blue butterfly, 152, 210 Silver-washed Fritillary butterfly, 298 Sium erectum, 36 Slime Moulds, 6 Snake Fly (Raphidia xanthostigma), 151 Solly, Lt.-Col., entertains the Club, 309 Southend-on-Sea district visited, 90 South Essex Natural History Society visited, 90, 91 Sparrow-Hawk, 37, 38, 75 Speckled Wood butterfly, 210 Spiders of Essex. Recent additional records, 58 Spider, A new species of, 63 Spined Loach, Diagnostic characters of the, 208 Stanford Rivers and Toothill district visited, 227 Stansgate Abbey visited, 235 Stebbing, Medieval Tile-kiln at, 278 Stenopelmus rufinasus (Coleoptera), 37 Stickleback, Two-spined, 207 — observed, 311 Stoke-by-Nayland visited, 152 Stollia fabricii in Essex, 298 Stour valley visited, 151 Striped Hawk moth, 211 Submerged buildings off Bradwell Point, 279 Swift, Late breeding of, 142 Sycamore, New fungus disease of, 136 Tawny Owl pellets exhibited, 220