THE SYCAMORE SOOTY BARK FUNGUS 15 P. H. Gregory, del. Fig. 1. Diagram of Cryptostroma corticale on thin-barked specimen of Acer pseudoplatanus, x 50 approx. Pg., phellogen; R, roof stroma; Col, columns; Cap, capillitium; Sp, spore mass; Phi., phialide layer; F, floor stroma; Phl, phloem; C.S., cambial stroma; M.R. medullary ray. (From: Trans. Brit. mycol. Soc. 34,585, 1951). Before death of the affected part of the tree and sporulation of the fungus other symptoms of infection can often be found. Some- times before any other external signs of disease are present, the leaves on one or more branches wilt suddenly. Early stages of in- fection are also associated with characteristic yellow to brown staining of the wood. There are many questions about the fungus to which we have