THE TEEE8 AND WOODLANDS OF ESSEX 153 pruned, pollarded or felled without permission from the County Planning Authority, but, needless to say, this permission is readily given if there is just cause for felling or pruning. Under Section 28 of the 1917 Act, trees and woodlands have been preserved throughout the county, and, up to the present, 13,000 acres of woodlands, 120 scattered groups and 20 parkland areas, as well as 320 individual trees, have been preserved. When a woodland is registered in this way, it does not imply the retention of trees beyond maturity, but, after felling, re-planting is obligatory, and the species to be planted can be dictated by the County Council. The preservation of groups and parkland areas is a very satisfactory way of retaining the beauty of the countryside. In these cases many trees are retained which would not merit preservation as individual trees.