162 THE ESSEX NATURALIST On the flattened top of the wall, the species of the sloping sides are replaced by those which can withstand a certain amount of trampling. These include Poa pratensis Ij., Lepidium ruderale L. and Polygonum aviculare agg. At the top of the landward slope. Atriplex littoralis is again frequently found, but the main dominant of the whole slope is Agropyron pungens. Beta maritima again occurs near the top of the wall, but it is less frequent here than on the seaward side. Further down the slope, scattered plants of Vicia angustifolia (L.) Reichard, Lactuca serriola L., Medicago arabica (L.) All. and Leontodon leysseri (Wallr.) Beck appear amongst the Agropyron, and at the base near the bank of Creek 4 the species present with Agropyron include :— Arrenatherum elatius. Lolium perenne. Bromus mollis. Plantago lanceolata. Daucus carota. Potentilla reptans. Festuca rubra. Senecio Jacobaea. Holcus lanatus. Trifolium campestre. Between Sites 4B and 40 about 20 bushes of Crataegus monogyna Jacq. occur near the base of the wall, and seed- lings of this plant are scattered in this area. The development of the community here, which has allowed for the growth of these bushes, is probably favoured by the proximity of this part of the sea wall to arable, rather than pasture, land. A summary of the distribution of the species of the undisturbed wall vegetation is given in the following diagram :—