164 THE ESSEX NATURALIST The transect at Site 13 illustrates its characteristics, and the first yards of the transects at Site 4C show the relative proportions of the various species at the base of the wall on the landward side. At the eastern end of the wall there is a similar fringe of Halimione and Suaeda at the base on the seaward side. Above this, however, the Agropyron-dominated community is no longer found on either side of the wall. This is especially so towards Site 1, where the main east/west wall is joined by a short north/south wall. Agropyron still occurs locally, but the turf here is shorter and made up of many of the species typical of waste- and pasture-land. The greatest variety of species occurs near the base of the wall on the landward side. Species present include :— Achillea millefolium. Medicago arabica. Agrostis stolonifera. Parapholis strigosa. Bromus mollis. Phleum pratense. Cynosurus cristatus. Potentilla reptans. Desmazeria rigida. Sonchus oleraceus. Geranium molle. Torilis nodosa. Hordeum pratense. Trifolium campestre. Lactuca serriola. Trisetum flavescens. Lepidium ruderale. Vicia angustifolia. Lolium perenne. This change is due both to human activities and to grazing by the cattle pastured on the enclosed fields to landward of the wall. At Site 1, estimations of the chloride content of the soil were carried out. These again showed that no chloride was present at the top of the wall amongst the roots of Lolium perenne. At the base on the landward side, amongst the. Hordeum marinum Huds., the soil contained .013 grams chloride per gram soil (1.3 per cent). This value will be seen to be extremely close to that found for a similar position on the seaward side, and the presence of chloride in this quantity on the landward side of the wall is of considerable importance. On Two Tree Island the sea walls are strengthened with stonework, and so provide a much less favourable habitat than do the clay walls of the mainland. The landward side of the walls shows similar species to those of the eastern