SURVEY AND COMPARISON 171 of Juncus Gerardi are found. At the corners, Puccinellia distans roots on the banks and spreads its stems some dis- tance out over the surface of the water. Triglochin maritimum is present in one place, and Spergularia mar- ginata also occurs on the banks and where small drainage channels from the field join the creek. In this part the soil round the roots of Aster Tripolium has a chloride content of .027 grams per gram soil (2.7 per cent). In the water here, great masses of Ruppia maritima L., which in some places extend right across the creek, are found. At 3C, where the western bank is low and is covered by saline water in winter, there is a patch of Hordeum marinum. From 3C to 3A, the western bank is very low-lying, and an area of wet, marshy ground extends from the creek margin for about 10 yards inland. The distribution of species in this region is illustrated by Plate 6, Fig. b. Scirpus maritimus and Juncus Gerardi line the creek margin, and behind these a considerable area of Puccinellietum has been developed. Both P. maritima and P. distans are represented here. Aster Tripolium is also frequent, and a few plants of Suaeda and Salicornia sp. occur. Inland from the Puccinellietum, a bank of Agropyron pungens about two yards wide separates the marshy ground from the ploughed land. In this part of the creek the Ruppia is less persistent. Creek 7 has not been allowed to retain its original shape near its junction with Creek 4, but for the remainder of its length it winds between the fields in the same way as Creek 3. Near the junction of Creeks 4 and 7, the whole of the ground is marshy, and where it is wettest, and in the channel of Creek 7 itself, Scirpus maritimus is dominant. In a large area surrounding this, where the mud is exposed and trampled and very soft, Puccinellia distans and Puccinellia fasciculata (Torr.) Bicknell, Spergularia salina J. & C. Presl., Suaeda and Salicornia Smithiana are found. Chenopodium botryodes Sm. is also present here, and forms several large patches. Raised parts of the ground are colonised by Agropyron and Juncus Gerardi and some Atriplex hastata. In one part of Creek 7, near the sea wall, where the banks are raised and the water is deepest, Phragmites communis is dominant.