187 The Herbaria of The Essex Field Club BY BERNARD T. WARD Apart from some minor notes of additions to the collections of plants, no published note on the Herbaria of the Club has appeared since 1911, when the Curator gave brief details of the state of the herbaria (E.N. 16, 216, 1911). During the past three years a considerable amount of work has been carried out on the collections in an attempt to restore them to "reference" condition. A great deal still remains to be done before they can be considered to be in first-class order. This opportunity has been taken to review the position following a request from The Botanical Society of the British Isles for details of the collections for record purposes. The value of compiling an index of herbaria on a national scale cannot be over-estimated, and in the course of extracting details from various sources for this scheme, some points have come to light which may be of interest to members and others desiring to use the herbaria. The following account and summary is therefore given for the dual purpose of assisting botanists using the herbaria and also to provide a reference index to the origins of the collection. The circumstances regarding the establishment of the Passmore Edwards Museum in which they are housed has already been adequately described in .4 Short History of the Essex Field Club by the late Percy G. Thompson, F.L.S., and need not be reviewed again here (E.N. 22, 269, 1929). All the Club's collections have been acquired since the formation of the parent body, The Epping Forest and County of Essex Field Naturalists' Club, in 1880. but unfortunately no detailed and dated record of the herbaria as such seems to have been kept, and many of the published notes relating to the various acquisitions are extremely scanty in character. No details of the number of plants or sheets included in any addition appear to have been published, and details as to the circumstances are generally sparse and can only be dated by means of the date of publication of the part of the Essex Naturalist in which they appeared. Sometimes a brief reference in the Annual Report of the Council records the addition of a collection, presumably during the year to which the report relates, but, even so, it is not always clear that such is the case. Towards the end of the 1920's, possibly in 1927, the late Miss Elsie Greaves, who was then Assistant Librarian, commenced a file in which were stored those letters and other details relating in part to the plants added to the collections but also including some valuable facts concerning the later additions. Miss Greaves also compiled a list of the published notes in the Essex Naturalist which had any bearing on the subject. The following information includes the references from this file, together with other details which it has been possible to trace from other sources in the course of compiling the notes for the National Index. Whilst every care has been taken to check the details given, it is known that many omissions have necessarily been made. In some cases it has been found that a strong inference of the accuracy can be drawn from details given on the herbarium sheets, and where this is so the details have been included, although subsequent amendment may be required. The investigation has also brought to light the fact that there does not appear to be in existence a complete list of the names of all those who have at any time been a member of the Club since its foundation.