192 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Bennett, Arthur; b. 19 June, 1843; d. 2 May, 1929. Collection of 32 sheets of British Characeae, named and presented by him. Date of presentation not recorded. Journ. Bot., 1929, 217-221; Watson B.E.C. Rep., 4, 5-7, 1930; B.E.C. Rep., 9, 81-89, 1930. Batteson, Mrs. N. J. No biographical details available. Collection of 150 sheets of British Filices, without dates or localities. Carter, Arthur H.; b. e. 1867; d. 1939. Herbarium of c. 1824 sheets of British plants. This fine British Herbarium was presented to the dub by Miss D. Carter shortly after the death of her brother in 1939. The Club is indebted to Mr. J. Edward Lousley through whose influence Miss Carter made the gift. The herbarium is bound on a loose-leaf system into 35 volumes each containing about 48 sheets. Four of the volumes contain cryptogams — a total of e. 192 species. When arranging for the collection to be transferred to the Club Mr. Lousley kindly furnished some brief details which it may be of interest to members to repeat here. Arthur H. Carter was a sanitary engineer by profession and made his collection during the few years just before the second World War. An exceptionally good walker, he spent every week-end in the country right up to the time of his death. Mr. Lousley believes that he never missed his Sunday walk for over forty years and he kept a careful diary over this period. He was prepared to undertake walks of exceptional distances to obtain species not represented in his collection, and he was blessed with such patience that he was prepared to make repeated searches for the species he required. Christy, Robert Miller; b. Chignal St. James, Essex, May, 1861; d. 25 January, 1928. Collection of 21 sheets (unmounted) of British (chiefly East Anglian) species of Ulmus. This collection is now not in very good condition. It is said that Christy secured many of his Ulmus specimens by carrying a blunderbuss, by the firing of which he broke off and dislodged the specimens he needed. The comments of the landowners where this practice was carried out are not recorded. Collection of 82 sheets of Primula species. This collection was made to illustrate and form the basis of his papers on the subject of Primula and especially Primula elatior Jacq. Journ. Linn. Soc., 33. 172, 1897. Trans. E.F.C. 3, 148, 1884. Collection of e. 100 sheets of Equisetaceae and Filices. Collection of 126 sheets of Alpine plants made in 1882. All the foregoing collections of Christy are without details as to how they came into the possession of the Club except for the Alpine collection which was presented by him in November, 1919. It may be assumed that the Club acquired the other specimens after his death. Crombie, Rev. James, M., M.A.; b. Aberdeen, 20 April, 1830; d. Ewhurst, Surrey, 12 May, 1906. Collection of 102 specimens of Lichens from Epping Forest. Presented to the Club by the Trustees of the British Museum on 26th February, 1921. Ten of these specimens were from the herbarium of Edward Forster of Walthamstow. Davis, Dr. Maurice. No biographical details available. Collection of 24 sheets of exotic Filices bound into one volume. Collection of 12 sheets of New Zealand Filices. There is no information available as to how the Club became the possessors of these plants.