BIRDS AT NORTH FAMBRIDGE 201 June. 2nd. Baby Goldfinches blown out of nest. I tied the nest back with string and, after drying three live birds, put them back. They were reared and flew safely. A pair of Bullfinches eating Forget-me-not seeds in the garden. 3rd. A dreadful day, Swallows and Martins flying at ground level all day hunting for scarce flies. 6th. Family of Bullfinches eating Forget-me-not seeds. 13th. Wrens feeding young sheltering in half-coconut. August. 7th. When passing Abberton Reservoir, I saw roughly 4,000 Sand-Martins resting on H.T. wires—an extraordinary sight! 12th. Swallows massing on wires early. 25th. One late Swift. 20th. Many Willow-Warblers, Whitethroats and Spotted Flycatchers passing through, Swallows leaving sheds fast. 31st. Swallows and Martins in large numbers passing through. September. 2nd. Two Swifts on the farm. 3rd. Whimbrel passing south at night. 4th. Chiffchaff in song. 5th. Blackcaps in full song. Wonderful weather for migrating birds. 7th. 6.45 p.m. Three Pied Flycatchers in the place where they are usually seen every year at this period. 12th. Nine Yellow Wagtails on the road at Kitts Hill. 19th. Swallows massing at dusk and southing fast. 20th. One Pied Flycatcher today. Swallows dashing south at dusk. 22nd. Dull and raining with a strong S.W. wind. Swallows flying low over roads. I saw several which had been killed by cars. 25th. Pied Flycatcher still in the orchard. Chiffchaff seen and heard. 26th. I saw about 100 Rooks circling and steadily gaining height, then suddenly they peeled off and dived like rockets vertically to ground level! I had never seen it before. 28th. Kingfisher by the marsh. Pied Flycatcher still in the orchard. 29th. One Turtle-dove at Battlesbridge. 30th. Willow- Warblers passing southward all day. October. 1st. Many Swallows near Wickford. 2nd. Pied Flycatcher here again today. Large numbers of Lapwing on the local fields. 3rd. Numerous Swallows at 6 p.m. flying very high in grand weather. 6th: Our last nestful of Swallow fledgelings flew today. 10th. Like summer, large numbers of Swallows passing by. Two Kingfishers on our pond, a Tree-Creeper in the orchard. 12th. Weather deteriorating fast. Five Swallows flying fast S.E. at 7.15 a.m. 16th. Three or four Swallows still round the farm. 18th. A Robin fluttering in the window was joined by another on the outside of the glass apparently trying to help its imprisoned fellow. 21st. Very mild. Saw a Turtle-Dove at Orsett. 25th. Two Swallows still here, also a Goldcrest. Heard a Redwing at night. 21st. Four Gold- crests in the conifers. A Great Spotted Woodpecker disturbed by the Hunt dived like a stone from a height. Three Swallows round the house at 3 p.m. November. 2nd. Four Swallows round the house all day; they were catching flies resting on the warm chimney stack as there were no insects in flight. 5th. One Swallow today, it looked well in spite of cold weather. 10th. Goldcrests in the shrubs. Bats on the wing at dusk. 13th. Large flocks of Fieldfares and Redwings. Song-Thrushes singing. 14th. A pair of Peregrine Falcons racing east, chasing each other and calling Kereck- Kereck. 17th. Birds singing rapturously. 30th. 54 deg. at night. December. 1st. 18 Grey Geese flying very low over Stow Creek in perfect formation. 23rd. Goldcrests in our thicket. 3 Night-Herons at Foulness, Steeple and Heybridge.