202 THE ESSEX NATURALIST To sum up the year—Resident birds were in normal numbers, Nightin- gales were very scarce and Blackcaps were fewer than usual. Swallows and Martins had a good year. Barn-Owls showed a slight increase. I saw no Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers or Wrynecks. Blue-headed Wagtails at Barking.—On '21st June, 1953, I saw a pair of Blue-headed Wagtails by Barking Power Station. By the display I saw, it appeared that they might be nesting. This is the first time that I have seen these birds in the area. John Jones. Birds at Bradwell-on-Sea.—On 12th September, 1953, I was with two friends at Bradwell Point. Amongst the birds seen were five Common Eider, four Sandwich Tern, one Knot and an immature male Black-tailed Godwit. On the following day we again saw the Eider and also five Curlew- Sandpiper, one Knot, six Widgeon and one Bar-tailed Godwit. On the way back to the quay a female Wheatear was seen. It has been brought to my notice that Mr. W. Martin saw on 14th February, 1953, two Long-tailed Duck, one slightly oiled, just off the wall at Burnham-on-Crouch, and the other about 400 yards further up the coast. John Jones.