214 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Report of Council for 1953 This year has seen a change of president. Mr. Laurence S. Harley, B.Sc, M.I.E.E., occupied the chair for four years, and his term of office coincided with a difficult period in the history of the Club. Con- sideration for its present and future welfare entailed the expenditure of much time and thought, which Mr. Harley willingly gave. His outstanding versatility enabled him, at the end of a lecturer's address to the Club, to offer some interesting observations or raise pertinent questions no matter what the subject. We now welcome as our new President, Professor C. T. Ingold, D.Sc. He holds a great reputation in the botanical world, and is already known as a friend of the Club in that his invaluable assistance at the annual Fungus Foray has come to be looked upon as a regular feature of the meeting. Apart from these domestic changes, the outstanding event of the year has been the reopening to the public of the Essex Museum of Natural History at Stratford after its being closed for 14 years. In 195'2 the Club again raised with the Corporation of West Ham the question of reopening. There was considerable difficulty on account of financial stringency, but the Corporation were anxious to have the Museum open again, and accordingly authorised its Chief Education Officer to see if voluntary financial assistance could be obtained. He was successful in securing the co-operation of Messrs. Tate & Lyle Ltd., who undertook to provide an attendant. The Club undertook to continue the curation of the Museum until at least the end of the current financial year, and in these circumstances the Corporation arranged that the Museum should be open for a period of five hours on five days of each week. A working party was constituted to deal with the day-to-day management of the Museum until more adequate and permanent arrangements could be made. The formal reopening of the Museum by the Mayor of West Ham, Alderman W. A. (Tillman, J.P., took place on 19th September, 1953, and the ceremony was conducted in the Great Hall of the West Ham College of Technology, Stratford. Alderman Mrs. D. Parsons, M.B.E., J.P., presided. This official opening was coupled with an exhibition arranged by the Libraries Committee of the Corporation entitled "A Pageant of South- West Essex". For this purpose, many of the Museum cases were adapted by the Borough Librarian's staff to show- a large number of photographs and prints illustrating the history of the district. Following the opening by the Mayor, votes of thanks were proposed by Councillor Miss Smith and seconded by Professor C. T. Ingold. The Club's Honorary Curator, Mr. S. Waller, worked steadily on the care of the collection, and immediately prior to the reopening greatly intensified his efforts and worked for many hours on the cleaning and rearrangement of some of the exhibits. The other members of the working party also intensified their efforts, and after the Borough Librarian's exhibition various temporary exhibits were arranged in some of the cases. Unfortunately, Mr. Waller did not feel able to continue as Curator under the new arrangements, and resigned from that office and from the working party in November. Accordingly, another member of the Club was appointed to fill his place on the working party, which then consisted of Mr. C. B. Pratt, Mr. E. E. Syms, Dr. E. A. Rudge (Principal of West Ham College of Technology) and Mr. E. R. Gamester (Borough Librarian). In addition, a number of other members of the Club volunteered to attend at the Museum at regular intervals to assist in caring for the collection and in answering questions by visitors. A time-table of these attendances is exhibited on