REPORTS OF MEETINGS 217 On the conclusion of the lecture several members asked questions which were dealt with by Mr. Macfadyen. The President then thanked the lecturer on behalf of the members and the meeting adjourned for tea in a room kindly placed at the Club's disposal by the Principal of the College. Ordinary Meeting (957th Meeting) SATURDAY, 28 FEBRUARY, 1953 This meeting was held at West Ham College of Technology at 3 p.m., with the President, Mr. Laurence S. Harley, in the chair. Fifty-five members and friends attended. The following were elected to membership of the Club : — Mr. W. R. Masefield, of 134, Kings Road, Chelmsford. Mr. C. T. W. Hill, of 15, Woodlands Gardens, Walthamstow, E.17. Mr. Ross showed Mycetozoa collected during the last two months. They were Leptoderma Chailletii, last found three or four years ago in the same place, Comatricha rubens and Diderma spumariodes. Mr. Bernard Ward showed photographs of a specimen of the Earth Star fungus, Geaster fornicatum, found at the Boulevard, Westcliff-on-Sea. Mr. Howard showed two small fronds of the Common Polypody fern (Polypodium vulgare L.), plants of which he had seen growing, on 27th February, 1953, on the crown of a pollarded hornbeam in Wintry Wood. Epping. The tree had split into two portions, and but for this fracture the ferns would probably have remained undiscovered. 'The species is now very scarce in the Forest. He also exhibited a growing plant of a variety of Polypodium vulgare. This variety, found by a former member of the Club, Mr. W. R. Roberts, near Barnstaple, Devon, was pronounced by Mr. C. T. Druery to be unique, and named by him var. Robertsii. The plant exhibited was given to Mr. Howard by its finder (now Col. W. R. Roberts, C.B.E.), who has a flourishing colony of the variety in his garden in Herefordshire. The President then announced that the following members were due to retire from the Council under the rules:—Mr. W. B. Broughton, Miss E. J. Hilbert and Mr. E. F. Williams. Mr. Broughton and Mr. Williams were nominated by the Council for re-election but Miss Hilbert did not wish to stand again. This left vacancies for three further members and nomina- tions for these vacancies were invited. Miss A. V. Bristow was duly nominated. The President then read the names of members nominated by the Council for election as officers of the Club. President: Professor C. T. Ingold, Hon. Treasurer: Mr. D. S. Blair, ll.b. Joint Hon. Secretaries: Messrs. W. J. Foster, ll.b., and Richard Ward. Hon. Field Meeting Secretary: Mr. E. Paul Williams, f.z.s. Hon. Curator (Essex Museum, Stratford) : Mr. S. Waller. Hon. Curator (Epping Forest- Museum) : Mr. Bernard T. Ward. Hon. Librarian: Mr. C. Hall Crouch, F.s.a. Hon. Assistant Librarian: Miss E. E. English, a.l.a. Hon. Editor: Mr. C. B. Pratt, M.P.S. Further nominations for any of these offices were invited from members but none was forthcoming. Mr. C. H. A. Robson, Tree Warden, Essex County Council, then gave a lecture entitled "Trees and Woodlands of Essex" (see p. 142). After the lecture questions were invited and several members put forward points which were dealt with by the lecturer. The President then thanked Mr. Robson for his lecture and the members adjourned for tea in the staff common room of the College.