254 THE ESSEX NATURALIST "town" is 1° or 2° warmer than the "country" in winter, and this is con- firmed from the January minima of Tottenham, Enfield and Chelmsford (37.3°, 34.3°, 33.8°F.). As Pig. 2 shows, Walthamstow, though low lying and naturally a collecting place for frost draining off the ridge behind it, lasts as an island of warmth far into winter nights. As far as they can be detected, the microclimates of Epping Forest show some interesting variations, partly due to its position on a narrow ridge generally bounded by the 250' contour, and partly due to the varying density and composition of the forest. Apart from beech and birch on the sandy ridge cappings, the forest is characterised by pollarded oak and hornbeam.