LEPIDOPTERA IN EAST ESSEX 263 would see less than 10 in a day. An exception, however, was September 19th, when 104 were seen, the great majority between 11.30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m.: nearly all of this total were travelling steadily south against a light S.S.W. breeze [cf. p. Ed.]. The year's total was 227: in 1953 it was 155. Only two Clouded Yellows (Colias croceus Fourcr.) were seen, both on August 31st—one on Southminster Marshes, the other at Mayland. The 1953 total was 37. The Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae L.) and the Peacock (Nymphalis io L.) were both unusually scarce, only 118 of the former and 58 of the latter being noted. This scarcity is well reflected by the fact that a popular hibernating place in the house now contains only two A. urticae compared with the usual dozen or so As in the previous year, only one Humming Bird Hawkmoth (Macro- glossum stellatarum L.) was seen, at Bradwell on June 30th at the flowers of Mallow. Only one Convolvulus Hawk (Herse convolvuli L.) was taken in the trap, a male on August 27th. The Silver Y moth (Plusia gamma L.) was very abundant—the total of 21,709 was almost 7,000 more than in 1953. The first moth was recorded on May 7th and the last two on December 15th. The biggest single night's catch of this species was 3,167 on May 29th, an early date for such a number; usually the peak figures occur after mid-summer. Butterflies and Moths at North Fambridge in 1954 Notes from My Diary BY JACK T. FRIEDLEIN March 8th. A line and mild day brings out the first Brimstone of the year. 10th. Three Small Tortoiseshells flying along the railway bank. 21st. A Brimstone and a Small Tortoiseshell. 27th. Peacock butterflies out and enjoying the sunshine after their winter sleep. May. 11th. Vanessids numerous today. 12th. Many Orange Tips and Large Whites. 14th. I find that Brimstones have laid many eggs on my buckthorns. June. 1th. Large numbers of Whites, Orange Tips and Walls about. 15th. Silver Y moths at Valerian at night. 16th. The first Painted Lady. 17th. A Humming Bird Hawkmoth at Valerian. 20th. One Bed Admiral and one Painted Lady at Valerian.