270 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Ordinary Meeting (970th Meeting) SATURDAY, 27 FEBRUARY, 1954 This meeting, attended by 40 members and friends, was held at the West Ham College of Technology at 3 p.m. The chair was taken by the President, Professor C. T. Ingold. Mr. J. Dyce was proposed as Members' Auditor and was duly elected. The President then read the list of the Council's nominations for the Officers and for the vacancies on the Council. This was as follows:— President: Professor C. T. Ingold, D.BC. Hon. Treasurer: Mr. D. S. Blair. LL.B. Joint Hon. Secretaries: Messrs. W. J. Foster, LL.B., and Richard Ward. Hon. Field Meetings Secretary: Mrs. L. S. Harley. Hon. Curator, Epping Forest Museum: Mr. Bernard T. Ward. Hon. Librarian: Mr. C. Hall Crouch, F.S.G. Hon. Asst. Librarian: Miss B. E. English, a.l.a. Hon. Editor: Mr. C. Bignell Pratt, M.P.S. As Members of Council: Miss A. M. Dofort, Miss B. M. Lemcke, B.SC, Miss M. Roberts, B.sc, Mr. T. H. C. Bartrop and Mr. J. H. Jones. The President announced that further nominations for the offices and for the vacancies on the Council might be made at this meeting, but no further nominations were made. Mr. Belcher showed some diatoms collected recently at Burnham-on- Crouch. Mr. K. Side showed some specimens of insects and small animals preserved in plastic material. Mrs. H. F. dribble then read her paper entitled "A Survey and Com- parison of the Natural and Inned Marshes at Leigh-on-Sea, Essex". This paper, which had been awarded the Ligter-Scourfield—Main Memorial Prize, was illustrated by maps, plans and photographic lantern-slides (see Part 3, p.165). After the lecture, the President and other members took part in discussing some of the points raised by the lecturer. Mrs. Gribble was then thanked by the President and by the acclamation of the audience and, the meeting being ended, tea was served in the College. Annual General Meeting (971st Meeting) SATURDAY, 27 MARCH, 1954 This meeting took place at the West Ham College of Technology at 3 p.m. The chair was taken by the President, Professor C. T. Ingold, and the total attendance was thirty-seven. The following were elected to membership of the Club : — Lt.-Col. Robert J. Appleby, M.B.E., f.s.a., of 27, Lexden Road, Colchester. Mr. Leslie Coombes, of 4, Byron Avenue, Manor Park, London, E.12. Mr. D. F. Parry-Maddocks, of 28, Dunbar Road, Forest Gate, London, E.7.