REPORTS OF MEETINGS 281 Mr. Paul Smart showed asymmetrical specimens of the Small Tortoise- shell, Peacock and Small Copper butterflies. Mr. Bartrop showed a book containing photographic reproductions of manorial records of 1424 which referred to the kiddle sheds of the Maplin Sands, thus proving the very long history of fishing by means of this form of fish-trap. He also showed a recently dead mole and pointed out some of the charac- teristics of this animal, including the well-hidden eyes and ears, the muscular forelegs and the feet adapted for digging. Mr. Richard Ward showed pamphlets of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds on the Bird Protection Act of 1954 and also the book entitled Tracks, Trails and Signs by our member, Mr. F. J. Speakman. Mr. Harley showed a fresh leaf of Arum italicum from his garden at Stoke-by-Nayland in order to illustrate how early the leaves of this species are developed as compared with the leaves of our native species, Arum maculatum. Mr. Harley then gave a lecture on the "Peculiar People" of Essex (see p.242). After the lecture, Mr. Syms spoke of visits he had paid to meetings of this sect early in this century, and the considerable discussion which followed showed the great interest which was felt by several members in this subject. After the meeting, tea was taken in one of the College rooms.