310 THE ESSEX NATURALIST published the amended edition of Gerard's Herball, and in that book, with suitable acknowledgment to Goodyer, this Elm is described with the note :— "My worthy friend and excellent Herbarist of happy memorie Mr William Coys of Stubbers in the parish of Northokington told me, that the wood of this kinde was more desired for naves of carts than the wood of the first. I observed it growing very plentifully as I rode between Rumford and the said Stubbers, in the yeere 1620, inter- mixed with the first kinde, but easily to be discerned apart, and is in those parts usually called Witch Elm." According to Morant, Coys was a descendant of Gwillim ap Jenkyn alias Herbert, of Monmouthshire, whose son John was father of Roger Coys, of London. Roger Coys was a Freeman of the City of London, and a member of the Mercers' Company. He lived in the parish of St. Mary, Aldermanbury, in the city, where he owned considerable property. It was at this parish church that his only son, William Coys, was baptized on 15th September, 1560. From the parish register of North Ockendon we learn that Coys was buried on 9th March, 1627, having lost his wife Mary 10 years previously. His wife was the daughter of Giles Alleyn, of Hasleigh Hall, Mundon, Essex. On their tomb- stone there was a brass recorded by Holman, but now missing. Fortunately, a rubbing of this brass was taken and is in the possession of the Society of Antiquaries, and from this the arms of Coys impaling Alleyn were described. There was also an inscription which has also disappeared. It probably ran as follows:— '' Here under ly buried the Bodies of William Coys of Stubbers in this parish Esquier, who decessed the 6 day of March 1627 and of Marie his wife, the second daughter of Giles Aleyne of Hasleigh Hall in the County of Essex, Esq who decessed ye 13th Day of March 1617 who had issue 8 sonnes and 6 daughters. And heres the worst that envious Death could doe Let loose two soules that long'd to Heaven to goe." His will is dated 8th December, 1618, and proved 2nd April, 16'27, Giles Coys being named as sole executor.