350 THE ESSEX NATURALIST It will be seen that the H.T. Cyanea are about 3 to 4 mm. long, exclusive of their trailing tentacles, while the H.T. rentoni are less than 1 mm. long, and, being extremely photo-sensitive, have contracted their tentacles to become almost shapeless masses of jelly under illumination. The species rentoni is remarkable in that it seems not to proceed to the ephyra and medusa stages, as do all other known jellyfish, but to remain in the asexual form, with unusual powers of locomotion. H.T. rentoni reproduces itself in what seems to be its mature form, only by budding, and has not been observed to strobilate in the normal manner of all other known species of Hydra Tuba. Country Dances at Thaxted.—The Vicar of Thaxted, referring to our account of the Club's visit to the town in June, 1954, tells us that the dance referred to as the Bishop's Horn Dance is in fact correctly called the Abbotts Bromley Horn Dance. We are glad to publish this note in the interests of accuracy. OBITUARY NOTICE Wilfred Justus Foster DIED 20 JUNE, 1956 Wilfred justus foster was elected a member of the Club in 1947. He was by profession a Barrister, called to the bar of Grays Inn in 1915, who had an expert knowledge of insurance matters. In 1949 he was elected as joint Honorary Secretary of the Club, an office he held up to his untimely death. "W.J." was an enthusiastic supporter of both field and indoor meetings. He was a most erudite man and his advice on the affairs of the Club was often sought by members of the Council. Some members may not know that "W.J." was a mountaineer of more than average skill who had climbed in many parts of Europe. He was also an experienced photographer, as those of us can testify who saw the slides he made on his visit to India in 1955. In June this year, after finally completing the new agreement with West Ham Corporation, he left for a climbing holiday in Austria. He died sud- denly on June 20th, and lies buried in the little village of St. Leanhard, Pitzal, among the mountains of the Tyrol which he loved so much. We mourn the passing of a good Club member and a charming companion. E.W.