352 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Our Hon. Librarian, Mr. C. Hall Crouch, reports that there has been an unexplained reduction in the number of books borrowed from the Library. In 1953 the number borrowed was 116. Two years later, in 1955, only 56. Possibly, members who have joined the Club in recent years do not appre- ciate this benefit of their membership. May we suggest a visit and a browse round the shelves? The Epping Forest Museum has kept our Honorary Curator, Mr. Bernard Ward, busy as usual, in particular in labelling and reorganising the exhibits. Valuable advice in this direction has kindly been supplied by Dr. Cook, Secretary of the Museums Association, who has paid some visits to the Museum. Additional exhibits are being provided by the Corporation of the City of London. Mr. J. Ross has continued his invaluable work in maintaining the wild- flower stand, and at times he has had over 40 species on show. During the year, Mr. Ross made a recording for the B.B.C. dealing with the flowers of the Forest, and this was subsequently used in the Home Service programme. Following an alteration to the large room on the upper floor, the Epping Forest Committee decided to use the room for luncheon on one of their periodical visits of inspection, and they kindly extended their hospitality to our Curator. The Chairman proposed the health of the Essex Field Club, coupling with it the name of the Curator, and at the same time expressed the thanks of the Committee for the work that was being carried out in the Museum. Afterwards, the members and their guests were shown round the Lodge and some of the salient features of the building and specimens were indicated. Thanks are due to Mr. Qvist, Superintendent of Epping Forest, for the great interest he takes in the Museum and for the assistance he has provided to make it representative of the natural history of the Forest. To this end also various specimens which are not appropriate are being removed and the space thus freed will be used to display the Forest species to better advantage. REPORTS OF MEETINGS Ordinary Meeting (980th Meeting) SATURDAY, 29 JANUARY, 1955 This meeting at the West Ham College of Technology at 3 p.m. was attended by 39 persons. The chair was taken by the President, Professor C. T. Ingold. The following were elected to membership of the Club:— Mr. Stanley John Ball, of 20, Fairfield Road, Epping. Mr. John W. Carr, b.a., of ''Windy Corner", Vicarage Hill, South Benfleet. Mrs. Jean E. Gribble, b.sc, of 16, Cobbold Road, Leytonstone, E.11. Mrs. Peggy K. L. Maw, of 19, Wellwood Road, Goodmayes. Mr. Bartrop showed 1in. and 21/2in. maps on which was marked the new Hanningfield Reservoir. He said that the engineering work was now vir- tually complete and water was being pumped in. The reservoir would eventually have an area of 1,000 acres.