REPORTS OF MEETINGS 353 The lecturer notified to members for this meeting had been unable to keep the appointment. Mr. Bernard Ward had therefore produced, at very short notice, a paper on "Some Essex Naturalists", which he now read. (See p.30G.) He gave an account of the lives and work of men of the county who had contributed much to our knowledge of natural history in years gone by. The story proved of very great interest to all the naturalists now assembled and gave some indication of the thorough study which was being devoted by the lecturer to the subject of the botany and the botanists of Essex. After the lecture a vote of thanks was accorded to Mr. Bernard Ward and the members then went down to tea in one of the College rooms. Ordinary Meeting (981st Meeting) SATURDAY, 26 FEBRUARY, 1955 At this meeting in the College, 32 members and friends were present, and, in the absence of the President and Vice-Presidents, the chair was taken by Mr. E. F. Williams, f.r.e.s., f.z.s. The following two persons were elected to membership of the Club:— Miss Barbara Avis, of 43, Northbrook Road, Ilford. Dr. John Francis Hayward, PH.D.,, f.g.s., of 29, Mount Echo Drive, Chingford. Having been duly nominated and seconded, Mr. J. W. Dyce was elected as members' Auditor. The Chairman then read the names of members nominated by the Council to fill vacancies on the Council and to hold office for the ensuing year. These were as follows : — As members of Council: Miss E. M. Jones and Mr. E. E. Syms, f.r.e.s. These members were retiring under Rule 4, but were eligible for re-election. As Officers:— President: Professor C. T. Ingold, Hon. Treasurer: Mr. E. F. Williams, f.r.e.s., f.z.s. Joint Hon. Secretaries: Mr. W. J. Foster, LL.B., and Mr. Richard Ward. Hon. Librarian: Mr. C. Hall Crouch, F.S.G. Hon. Asst. Librarian: Miss E. E. English, A.L.A. Hon. Editor: Mr. C. B. Pratt, M.P.S. Hon. Curator, Epping Forest Museum: Mr. Bernard T. Ward. Hon. Field Meetings Secretary: Mrs. S. G. Harley. Those present were then invited to submit further nominations, and the following were nominated as members of Council: — Dr. E. A. Rudge and Mr. J. Oxenham. EXHIBITS Mr. E. E. Syms showed a fine series of his photographs of eggs of British insects and discussed in some detail the shapes of the various eggs and the methods of hatching. Mr. Branson referred to the Club's visit to gravel pits at Thorrington Street, Suffolk, on the joint excursion with the Suffolk Naturalists' Society to the Stoke-by-Nayland area. On that occasion he had found some pieces