REPORTS OF MEETINGS 363 The mill stream and pasture-lands were a source of interest to the naturalists. Miss Smith related the adventures of a family of Moorhens nesting downstream and told us of the Swans who honked "please" and "thank you" as they glided past the mill doorway. We finally boarded the coach, much later than had been intended, feeling that much had been packed into a few blissful hours. Bradwell-on-Sea (988th Meeting) SATURDAY, 13 AUGUST, 1955 The coach and cars in which the members had travelled were met at Bradwell Church by Mr. John Jones, and the party then proceeded to visit the Chapel of St. Peter on the Wall. As the weather was uncertain, lunch was taken under cover, after which we were taken by Mr. Tutt to inspect the trapping station of the Essex Bird Watching and Preservation Society, where many migratory birds are trapped and ringed. Then followed an enjoyable walk along the sea-wall. This, however, was marred by drizzle and, later on, heavy rain which made observations of any kind unpleasant, if not impossible. The three car-owners, therefore, ran a shuttle service to get everyone to tea at the "Green Man", Bradwell, as speedily as possible. After tea there was a short formal meeting under the chairmanship of Mr. Bartrop. The following were elected to membership of the Club:— Mr. A. J. Pettifer,, of "Whytegates", Pear Tree Lane, Danbury. Mr. Anthony David May, of 21, Little Gaynes Gardens, Upminster. Dr. Kenneth Leonard Alvin,, PH.D., of 20, Highfield Road, Hornchurch. Brief observations on the plant life, birds and marine biology were given by Mrs. Stuart Boardman. Mrs. Harris and Dr. B. H. Nisbet respectively. The plants were the usual ones of the salt-marsh flora. The list of birds was a short one due to the unfavourable conditions, but one interesting bird which had afforded some amusement by its Tern-like behaviour proved to be an albino Swallow. Dr. Nisbet described the life histories of some of the animals whose shells formed a long bank along which the party had walked. He has since kindly submitted the following list of molluscan shells identified: — Class Pelecypoda: Lammellibranchiata, Mytilus edulis L., Ostrea edulis L., Mactra Corallina L. ('? identification), Cardium edule L. Class Gastropoda: Gibbula cineraria L., Calliostoma papillosa da Costa (? identification), Littoria littorea L., Crepidula fornicata L., Buccinum undatum L., Nucella (Purpura) lappillus L., Nassarius reticulatus L. Before the meeting ended, the Chairman thanked Mr. Jones for his organisation and leadership of the day's excursion, which had been marred only by the inclement weather.