REPORTS OF MEETINGS 365 The Chairman then expressed the thanks of members for the hospitality shown them by the Colne Fishery Board, and a letter of appreciation has been sent to them. It should here be noted that it was through Mr. Harley's introduction that the visit to Pewit Island was made possible. Dr. R. H. Nisbet has kindly supplied the following list of animal species collected during the day: — Phylum Coelenterata: Class Hydrozoa—Plumularia sp. Class Anthozoa —Metridium senile L. (Plumose Anemone). Phylum ctenophora: Hormiphora sp. (Comb Jelly, Sea Gooseberry). Phylum Annelida: Class Polychaeta—Sabella pavonina (Savigny) (Pea- cock Worm). Phylum Arthropoda (Class Crustacea): Sub-class Copepoda—Calamia finmarchicus (Gunnerus). Sub-class Cirripedia (Barnacles)—Elminius modestus Darwin. Sub-class Malacostraca. Order Amphipoda—Gammarus sp., Caprella sp. Order Isopoda—Idotea linearis L. Order Decapoda— Carcinus maenas (Pennant) (Shore Crab). Phylum mollusca: Class Lammellibranchiata—Ostrea edulis L., Paphia (Tapes) pullastra (Montagu). Class Gastropoda—Littorina littorea L. (Periwinkle), Crepidula fornicata L. (Slipper Limpet), Urosalpinx cinerea Say (Oyster Drill), Nassarius reticulatus L. (shell only). Phylum Echinodermata: Class Asteroidea—Asterias rubens L. (Common Starfish). Phylum Chordata: Sub-phylum Urochordata (Class Tunicata)—Ascidiella aspersa (0. P. Muller), Molgula sp. (Sea Squirts). Sub-phylum Vertebrata (Class Osteichthyes)—Gobius pictus Malm. (Goby), Solens vulgaris Quensel (Common Sole). Fungus Foray in Epping Forest (990th Meeting) SUNDAY, 25 SEPTEMBER, 1955 This meeting was organised by Mrs. Stuart Boardman. Two parties met respectively at Loughton Bus Garage at 11 a.m. and at Chingford Station at 10.30 a.m., the former under the leadership of Mr. J. W. Dyce and the latter under that of Mr. Donald Chapman. The two parties were to work independently and to join up at Debden House at 3.30 p.m. After an exceptionally dry summer, it was with many doubts that the members gathered for this, for many years one of the most popular meetings of the Club's calendar. Fifty-six members eventually arrived at Debden House, where Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Boardman had spent the morning arranging tables, plates and labels in readiness for the reception of speci- mens. As members arrived, the contents of their baskets were examined by Professor Ingold, Miss Roberts and Mrs. Boardman, and by tea-time all the finds had been identified and laid out for inspection—in all 56 species of fungi and 15 myxomycetes. After tea, the President, Professor C. T. Ingold took the chair for the formal meeting, and the following were elected to membership of the Club:— Master Edward Mark Williams, of "Woodmanton", Mount Avenue, Hutton (Junior). Mr. Derek Maldon Fitch, of Third Avenue, Chelmsford. Mr. Bernard Ward brought the apologies of Mr. Ross for his inability to be present at tea and reported on their finds of Mycetozoa during the day. It was decided to send a letter of appreciation to Mr. Ro3s.