366 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Mr. Broughton showed some Diptera which he had collected from speci- mens of Polyporus cuticularis. Mrs. Boardman expressed her thanks to the leaders of the parties and commented on the "novelty corner" which her husband had arranged in the tea room. This was a display of all kinds of articles showing fungi used for decorative purposes, pictures of fungi and tinned and dried fungi purchased abroad. It had been inaugurated this year to supplement any possible lack of fresh specimens, but Mrs. Boardman hoped that it would become a permanent feature and that other members would contribute in future years. Commenting on the day's finds, the President said that, considering the adverse conditions, the Club had done remarkably well to find 56 species. In a whole week the British Mycological Society meeting at Bristol for its annual autumn foray had found about half this number. The smaller number of specimens was an advantage to beginners, who would find less confusion this year. There were no very outstanding finds, but Ganoderma lucidum and Polyporus cuticularis were pleasing and uncommon records. Finds on the forest floor were few — Russulas, usually so common, were almost entirely absent, the wood fungi, particularly the polypores, were, however, well represented. He congratulated Mr. Boss and Mr. Bernard Ward on their collection of Mycetozoa and said that the Club was well known as a centre of myxo hunters. The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Boardman for their efficient organisation of the day's arragements. The list of Mycetozoa collected during the day follows. Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa Macbr., Badhamia utricularis Berk., Fuligo septica Gmelin, Stemonitis flavogenita Jahn, Comatricha typhoides Rost., Cribraria vulgaris Schrad., Dictydium cancellatum Macbr., Enteridium olivaceum Ehrent., Lycogala epidendrum Fries, Trichia scabra Rost., Trichia varia Pers., Arcyria pomiformis Rost., Arcyria denudata Wetts., Arcyria incarnata Pers., Perichaena corticalis Rost. Ordinary Meeting (991st Meeting) SATURDAY, 29 OCTOBER, 1955 Thirty-two members and friends attended this meeting, held in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the West Ham College of Technology. The chair was taken by the President, Professor C. T. Ingold. The following were elected to membership of the Club : — Miss Lesley Line, b.sc, of 95, Cowley Road, Ilford. Mr. E. C. Turner, b.sc, of 37, Thorpe Road, Forest Gate, E.7. Notice was given that in future the. Passmore Edwards Museum would be open to the public on Wednesdays instead of Fridays, i.e., Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3 to 8 p.m. and Saturdays from 1 to 6 p.m. Mr. Oxenham showed part of a large nest of the Common Wasp from a compost heap in his garden. It had been excavated after the occupants had been killed by sulphur dioxide. On examination, a large proportion of queens was seen among the dead insects remaining in the nest, and grubs were found to be still alive. Mr. Masefield showed a. number of photographs taken during the Club's visit to the Colne Oyster Fisheries on Saturday, 3rd September, 1955. Mr. Bartrop showed a fossil picked up on the Little Baddow ridge at Spring Elms. It was a fossilized Sea-urchin, and the President described the manner in which these fossils were formed.