THE ESSEX NATURALIST Foraminiferae exhibited, 218 Fossil bone of Elephas exhibited, 353 —Sea Urchin exhibited, 366 Fungus Foray, 59, 124, 224, 278, 365 Foster, W. J., Obituary Notice, 350 Galinsoga spp. exhibited, 279 Gasworks, Notes on the Natural His- tory of a, 336 Geastrum fornicatum exhibited. 218 Geology of the Essex Coastland, 79 —Maldon area, 123 —Walton shown, 222 Geological Records from the valley of the Stort, 333 Gilwell Park visited, 358 Goldings, Great Warley visited, 221 Gonioderma limoniella (Lepidoptera) 111 Gosfield Hall, Photograph exhibited, 50 Graffiti in Essex (Presidential Ad- dress) , 1 —Some further examples, 102 Grasshoppers, Recordings of the sounds of, played, 125 Grays chalk quarry visited, 53 Great Bardfield visited (Joint Meet- ing with Great Bardfield Historical Association), 361 Great Warley Church visited, 221 Greaves, Miss E. A., elected Honorary Member, 51 Hanningfield Reservoir, Maps of, ex- hibited, 352 Harley, Mrs. S. G., elected Field Meeting Secretary, 270 Harlow and District Field Club, Joint Meeting with, 55 Hand List of the Plants of the London Area, A (Book review) 112 Heath Fritillary butterfly in Essex, 265 Hemiptera recorded, 53 Hen Harrier at Bradwell-on-Sea, 107 Herbaria of the Essex Field Club, The, 187 Howard, William. Obituary Notice, 266 Hydnum setosum exhibited, 61 Hydra Tuba rentoni, 349 Hymenoptera exhibited, 125 Ingatestone Hall visited, 272 Ingold, Professor C. T., elected Presi- dent, 218 Insect collecting apparatus exhibited, 125 Insects preserved in plastic exhibited, 270 Inworth visited, 224 Iris versicolor in Epping Forest, 196 Kirby-le-Soken visited, 221 Latton Park and Mark Bushes visited, 55 Leaden Roding Church visited, 224 Lepidoptera recorded 53, 54, 55, 60, 110, 120, 122, 123, 219, 221, 222, 264, 273, 276, 280, 337, 340, 357 —at Bradwell-on-Sea, 43 —in Essex, 1900-1955, 327 -------in 1951, 41 —East Essex in 1953, 206 -------1954, 262 -------1955, 347 —South-east Essex in 1952, 108 -------1953, 204 -------1954, 261 -------1955, 345 Lister-Scourfield-Main Memorial Prize offered, 114 Little Braxted Church visited, 223 Little Easton Park visited, 222 Little Sampford Church (carved figure-head), 33 The Liverworts—British and Foreign, by Sir Edward and Agnes Fry ex- hibited, 62 London Natural History Society, Bot- anical Section, Joint Meeting with 120 London Zoo visited, 117 Maldon visited, 122 Mammals recorded, 357 Margaretting Church visited, 272 Margaretting, A Former "Road" at, 341 Marine animals recorded, 277, 363, 365 The Microscope in the Field, Lecture on, 269 Microscope lamp exhibited, 218 Micromycopsis described, 49 Middleton visited, 224 Members, List of, 282 Mole exhibited, 281 Mycetozoa exhibited, 125, 217, 225, 280 —recorded 60, 118, 124, 279, 366 —in Epping Forest, 35, 104, 197 Naturalists, Some Essex, 306 Neolithic Way in Herts and Bucks visited, 57