A TOADSTOOL—ITS FUNCTION AND FORM 5 The sticky spores are shot to a distance of about 0.2 mm. If the gills were not vertical discharged spores would either fall back on to the gill surface from which they were shot, or on to the opposite gill surface. The vertical position is the only one that allows free escape of the spores into the air below the pileus. The verticality of the gills is secured by a system of coarse and fine adjustments. The negative geotropism of the stipe gives a rough vertical orientation to the pendent gills. But in addition each individual gill is capable of growth near its in- sertion on the cap, so that if it is slightly out of the vertical differential growth in this region occurs until it is again in the vertical plane. There is clearly a minimum distance which must separate opposing gill surfaces if efficient spore discharge is to occur. This minimum must not be less than the distance (about 0.2 mm.) of actual discharge for, if it were, the spores would simply be shot on to the opposite gill. Further a certain mar- gin of safety is necessary and the amount of this will be deter- mined largely by the general rigidity of the fruit-body, especially the rigidity of the stipe. This brings us back to the stipe and we may now summarize its importance to the fruit-body. Firstly its early phototropism may bring the young developing pileus into the open and this is particularly important when the surface of the substratum is irregular. Secondly, its later-developed negative geotropism raises the cap into the air and roughly orientates the gills. Further the considerable rigidity of the stipe prevents the cap waving in the wind. Above all, however, the stipe provides a space between the cap and the ground so that the spores emerg- ing from its under side fall normally into turbulent air and can be carried away by eddy diffusion. A few words must be said about spore output. It is enormous. A toadstool or mushroom 5in. across may liberate spores at the rate of half a million a minute and maintain that rate through- out the several days of its spore-fall period. ****** There is something very geometrical about a toadstool and now I want to talk about the geometry of fruit-bodies.