34 THE ESSEX NATURALIST ft. 8. Marsh clay, grey at bottom, 4 7. Peat 6. Thin band of pebbles 5. Peat with much wood 4. Grey sandy silt 3 to 4 in all 3. Peat with hazel nuts 2. Grey sandy silt 1. Gravel of flood plain These samples were not taken from the centre of the deposits but a little to the east. Further west, the material in the dumps indicated that the lower part of the channel contained a fine, cream coloured silt penetrated by streaks of plant matter and containing some small ferruginous lumps. The sample was washed and yielded a small but characteristic set of molluscs, as follows :— Valvata (Cincinna) piscinalis (Muller) 3 Lymnaea (Galba) truncatula (Muller) 6 Lymnaea sp. cf. L. (Radix) peregra (Muller) juv. 4 Planorbis (Gyraulus) laevis Alder 2 Planorbis sp. cf. P. (Anisus) leucostoma Millet 1 Succinea sp. 10 Columella columella (Benz) 1 Pupilla muscorum (Linne) 5 Vallonia excentrica Sterki 2 Hygromia (Trichia) hispida (Linne) 11 Punctum pygmaeum (Draparnaud) 4 Slug granules abundant Small Pisidia 25 valves. Several of the shells were fragmentary or immature, and their identification was difficult. The suite is, with only one exception, characteristic of the Nazeing Stage. The exception is Punctum pygmaeum which, however, is recorded at Naze- ing from the land surface deposits ("Surface D") which follow the bed. Thus its presence can be easily explained.