42 THE ESSEX NATURALIST TABLE 2. The distribution of the sites mentioned in this paper. Acknowledgments. The author is indebted to the following bodies or their rep- resentatives for permission to visit sites, for facilities while on the sites and for permission to publish this report: Middlesex County Council, Messrs. J. D. and I). M. "Watson and their resident engineers, The Lee Conservancy Catchment Board, The Ham River Grit Co. Ltd. He also wishes to thank Mr. S. Hazzledine Warren for critically reviewing the first section of this paper and for his usual friendly co-operation, Mr. J. W. Dandy for information concerning the Watsonian vice-counties, and a number of friends for assisting in routine work of auger- ing, etc. The drawings for the illustrations were made by Mr. H. G. Eden. References. Allison, J., Godwin, H., and Warren, S. H. 1952. Late- Glacial Deposits at Nazeing in the Lea Valley, North London. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Ser. B. Biological Sciences, No. 632, p. 169. Hayward, J. F. 1957. Certain abandoned channels of Pleisto- cene and Holocene age in the Lea Valley, and their deposits. Proc. Geol. Assoc, 67. 32. Woodward, H. 1869. The Freshwater Deposits of the Valley of the Lea, near Walthamstow, Essex. Geol. Mag. 6. 385.