44 THE ESSEX NATURALIST On the present scanty pottery finds alone a close dating within this wide bracket is not possible. Nevertheless, a study of material from analogous sites, combined with the known type of structure and the growing knowledge of the successive events which occured in the Early Iron Age in the Lower Thames Valley region, should provide a setting into which Ambresbury Banks will fall into place. It is hoped that in the definitive report in preparation it will be possible to suggest when and why earthworks like Ambresbury Banks and its neighbouring camp at Loughton were constructed. REFERENCES PITT-RIVERS, A. 1881. Report on the Excavation of the Earthwork known as Ambresbury Banks, Epping Forest. Trans. Epping Forest and County of Essex Naturalists' Field Club, II, 55 - 68. WARREN, S. H. (unpublished) (See Essex Naturalist XXV, 281).