73 Report of Council for 1956 This year has been remarkable in the long history of the Club. In Sep- tember the 1,000th Meeting was led by Mr. Bernard T. Ward when a pilgrimage was made to the homes and hunting grounds of some of the famous naturalists of the County. Six other Field Meetings have been held and provided opportunity for study in many parts of the countryside. This Club exists for "—the study of the Natural History, Geology and Archaeology of the County of Essex—" and it must never be forgotten that the Field Meetings are the mainstay of that purpose. An outstanding point in our history was passed on May '21st, when the new Agreement with the Corporation of West Ham on the management of the Museum and Libraries was completed. It was agreed that the ownership of the Museum collection and Library should be vested in a Board of Governors consisting of four members appointed by the Corporation, three members appointed by the Club and one member appointed by the Museums Associa- tion ; that a full-time Curator should be appointed and employed by the Corporation; and that the privileges of the Club members in the use of the Museum and Library should be safeguarded. In August, Mr. Kenneth Marshall, B.A., was appointed to the post of Curator. The Chief Education Officer of West Ham in his capacity of Clerk to the Governors provides the Council of the Club with a report of each quarterly meeting of the Governors and we record with satisfaction that the new system is working smoothly. The enthusiasm of Mr. Marshall and the officers of the Corporation gives promise that the long record of the Museum in service to the community will be continued and steadily improved. Under the new Agreement the Borough Librarian of West Ham acts as Honorary Librarian to the Museum Governors, consequently it no longer falls to the Club to appoint an Honorary Librarian. The Council wishes to place on record its grateful appreciation of the twenty-one years of devoted service in this office given by Mr. C. Hall Crouch. The Epping Forest Museum, under the loving care of Mr. Bernard T. Ward, continues to attract an encouraging number of visitors and the further improvement of the collections more than justifies the toil expended by Mr. Ward who is still most ably assisted by Mr. ,T. Boss in the display of wild flowers. The Club membership figure remains steady at 209. Fifteen new members were elected. Twelve members resigned for various reasons. Three members deceased. Mr. W. T. Foster, LL.B., Mr. W. E. Gaze. M.P.S., and Mr. C. B. Russell, J.P., who joined the Club in 1888. There is an appreciable number of young people interested in the affairs of the Club and there are signs of an increasing interest in the Natural History of our County by School and College organisations. This trend should be carefully fostered through individual and affiliated group membership. An age of specialization is upon us and this Club can do much to widen the vision of the younger field worker. The Hon. Editor, Mr. C. Bignell Pratt, has maintained the high standard of our journal "The Essex Naturalist" as a source of erudite comment on the county flora, fauna and antiquities. We are fortunate to enjoy the benefit of the shrewd advice and broad outlook of Mr. E. F. Williams as our Hon. Treasurer and he now has the valuable assistance of Mr. G. W. Hurrell. The statement of account will demonstrate a satisfactory financial position.