74 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Toward the end of the year, Miss A. V. Bristow kindly undertook the work of Hon. Assistant Secretary and the meticulous keeping of the Council minutes and agenda is thus assured. Much work remains to be done. We propose to press on with the appoint- ment of Recorders for the various biological groups, several members have kindly promised to undertake this work in their special subjects. Their names will be published with the list of officers, and members are asked to communicate with them regarding occurrences in their respective subjects. They will also be pleased to help and advise members. A stamped and addressed envelope should be enclosed when a reply is desired. REPORTS OF MEETINGS Ordinary Meeting (993rd Meeting) SATURDAY, 28 JANUARY, 1956 This meeting, held at the West Ham College of Technology with the President, Professor C. T. Ingold in the Chair, was attended by 31 members and friends. Mrs. Freda Hawkins, of 52, Forest Edge, Buckhurst Hill was elected to membership of the Club. Mr. Belcher showed specimens of the alga Bangia atropurpurea (Both.) Ag. from the Hertfordshire bank of the River Lea at Waltham Cross. Although recorded several times from the Netherlands, it has not until now been found in fresh water in this country. Its discovery brings the number of British fresh water genera of the red algae or Rhodopbyceae (an almost exclusively marine group) up to ten. Mr. Side exhibited the beetle Lathridius bifasciatus Reitter, a species recorded for the first time in Essex (see vol. 29, p. 349). Dr. Nesbit then gave a lecture entitled an Introduction to the Mollusca (see page 12). He exhibited living specimens of many species and illustrated his lecture by many drawings on the blackboard. After the lecture several questions were asked by members of the audience and were dealt with fully by the lecturer. The meeting then ended and tea was served in one of the rooms of the College. Ordinary Meeting (994th Meeting) SATURDAY, 25 FEBRUARY, 1956 There was an attendance of thirty-nine at this meeting in the West Ham College of Technology and the chair was taken by the President, Professor C. T. Ingold. The President then read the following list of persons nominated by the Council to fill vacancies on the Council. Miss A. V. Bristow, Mr. T. H. C. Bartrop (both retiring under Rule 4 but eligible for re-election), Mr. John Belcher, B.Sc., Dr. R. H. Nesbit, Mr. M. T. Parker, B.Sc., Mr. A. J. Pettifer, B.Sc He then gave notice that there were two other vacancies on the Council and asked for further nominations.