REPORTS OF MEETINGS 75 Mrs. P. B. Bartrop, B.Sc., was nominated and this nomination was accepted. The President then read the following list of persons nominated by the Council as officers for the ensuing year. President: Mr. E. E. Syms, f.r.e.s., f.z.s. Hon. Treasurer: Mr. E. P. Williams, F.R.E.S., f.z.s. Joint Hon. Secretaries: Mr. W. Foster, ll.b., Mr. R. Ward. Hon Field Meeting Secretary: Mrs. S. Gr. Harley. Hon. Curator, Epping Forest Museum: Mr. B. T. Ward. Hon. Librarian: Mr. C. Hall Crouch, F.S.G. Hon. Assistant Librarian: Miss E. E. English, A.L.A. Hon. Editor: Mr. C. B. Pratt, M.P.S., F.S.M.C. In response to the President's intimation that any member might now make nominations for any of the offices no further nominations were forth- coming. Dr. J. F. Hayward then gave a lecture on some of the work which he had been doing on the geology of the Lea Valley. He illustrated his remarks with many lantern slides and impromptu sketches. The study of boreholes made in connection with sewage schemes for the new townships has produced inter- esting results and Dr. Hayward acknowledged his indebtedness to the con- sulting engineers for their co-operation. Some of the work follows upon that done by our Vice-President, Mr. S. Hazzledine Warren and the lecture which today proved of such interest to members was, it is hoped, a fore-runner of other communications from Dr. Hayward upon the geology of the district. Part of the investigations dealt with in this lecture are described in Dr. Hayward's paper in vol. 29, pp. 333 - 335. On the conclusion of his lecture, Dr. Hayward dealt with several questions raised by members and was warmly thanked by the President on behalf of those present. Annual General Meeting (995th Meeting) SATURDAY, 24 MARCH, 1956 The President, Professor C. T, Ingold took the chair at this meeting which was held in the West Ham College of Technology. There was an attendance of forty-nine. The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting were, on the proposal of the President, taken as read. The Report of Council for 1955 was read by Mr. Foster and adopted. The Hon. Treasurer addressed the meeting. He suggested that, as a copy of the accounts for the year ending December 31st, 1955, had been circulated to all members, the meeting would not wish him to discuss it in detail. In general it could be said that the financial position of the Club was satisfactory. Questions on the accounts were invited but none was asked and the Treas- urer's Report was adopted. Election of Council and Officers. The President read the names of those nominated at the Meeting held on February 25th, 1956, to be members of Council and Officers. In the absence