Vol. 30, Part 2 1958 THE ESSEX NATURALIST being the Journal of the ESSEX FIELD CLUB Editor: C. BIGNELL PRATT. CONTENTS PAGE A recent temporary Section through Pleistocene Deposits at Ilford. By W. D. Ian Rolfe........................... 93 The HISTORICAL STAGE (Post-Glacial) in the Lea Valley. By J. F. Hayward ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 103 A further Note on the Nazeing Stage in the Lea Valley. By J. F. Hayward ..............................108 Two Prehistoric Finds from Chingford. By I. J. Herring..........112 Changes in Land Use on Brightlingsea Island since 1934. By the Birkbeck Geographer's Association. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 113 The Eastern Boundary of Waltham Forest, By E. A. Budge.......117 Gills and Pores in Trametes rubescens. By C. T. Ingold .........118 Some Notes on Essex Botany, 1957. By Bernard T. Ward.........119 Notes on Endomychus coccineus L. By E. E. Syms............121 Lepidoptera in South-East Essex in 1957. By H. C. Huggins ......122 Butterflies at North Fambridge in 1957. By J. T. Friedlin ......123 Lepidoptera in South-East Essex in 1957. By A. J. Dewick ......124 Birds at North Fambridge in 1957. By J. T. Friedlin .........125 Notes on Recording Mammals, etc. ..................129 Obituary Notice ...........................130 Report of Council ...........................131 Report of Meetings ...........................132 Books .................................142 Published by The Essex Field Club at the Passmore Edwards Museum (Essex Museum of Natural History), Romford Road, Stratford, London, E.15.