93 A recent Temporary Section through Pleistocene Deposits at Ilford By W. D. IAN ROLFE with contributions on the non-marine Mollusca by M. P. KERNEY and the late A. G. DAVIS Read 30th November, 1957. INTRODUCTION It is many years since the classic sections through the Taplow Terrace gravels and brickearths at Ilford were last seen. A recent section nearly 1,000 feet in length, afforded by the cutting of a trench for a six-foot soil sewer running North- South across the area of the brickearths was hence of some importance. The line of the section ran from Green Lane in the south (Grid ref. 51/447865) to the Ilford High Road in the north (446868). Its southern end lay a quarter of a mile to the east of the Uphall site. (435862), and the trench extended north- wards to within a few hundred yards of the former brickyards near the High Road (440871). DESCRIPTION OF THE DEPOSITS. Three successions from the almost continuous section afforded by the trench are given below : I. Gordon Road, South of Green Lane. A.O.D. Thickness Lithology 35' 10' Yellowish-brown plastic brickearth, with nodules of race up to 2" in diameter. 25' 3' White and yellow sands, occasionally well stratified, and containing many shells of Corbicula fluminalis. Bones common at this horizon. 22' 1' Ferruginous sandy gravel; typical river gravel.