94 THE ESSEX NATURALIST II. 25' North, of I. A.O.D. Thickness Lithology 35' 10' Brickearth. 25' 2' 4" Ferruginous sandy gravel (occasionally manganese-stained at junction with brickearth above). 22' 8" 4" Corbicula sands. 22' 4" 1' 4" Ferruginous sandy gravel. III. 485' North of I; in Connaught Road, south of High Road. 36' 3' Brickearth; becoming sandy towards base. 33' 11' Ferruginous sandy gravel. The plastic Brickearth closely resembles London Clay, from which it was probably derived. Bones, obtained from the Corbicula sands, have been identified as : Elephas sp., Metacarpal III or IV. Equus sp., Left metatarsal. Bos or Bison sp., Left humerus (distal end), left femora (one whole specimen and a proximal end), thoracic vertebra, cervical verte- bra, right scapula and scapula fragment. Figure 2 shows scale section through the deposits, indicating sections I, II and III above. COMPARISON WITH DEPOSITS OF THE CLASSIC SITES. The section provides an interesting comparison with the High Road ( =Cauliflower, Sam's Green, Curtis' or Page's Pit) and Uphall sites, whose successions may be summarized here. Figure 1 indicates the position of these older sites, together with the recent section.