THE ESSEX NATURALIST ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Especially to Prof. P. W. Shotton for stimulating interest in Pleistocene geology, and to Prof. P. E. Zeuner for answer- ing many questions about the deposits. It is only due to the astute observation of Mr. Noel Morris that this site was recognized before its final loss to geology. Above all, to the late Mr. A. G. Davis, Mr. M. P. Kerney and Dr. A. J. Sutcliffe for their constant help and advice, both in the field and with their expert identifications. Mr. M. P. Kerney read through the MS. of this paper and made many helpful sugges- tions, most of which have been since adopted. Finally, to the Clerk of the Works, Surveyor and workmen of Ilford Borough Council, for permission to work on the site and for supplying data giving altitudes of the concrete floor of the trench, from which accurate measurements could be made. Part of the molluscan fauna is now deposited at the British Museum (Natural History); the mammalian remains in the Museum of Birmingham University Geological Department. APPENDIX ON THE NON-MARINE MOLLUSCA By M. P. KERNEY and the late A. G. DAVIS T he following Mollusca were obtained by the writers in September, 1956, from the "Corbicula sand" horizon, between Sections I and II of the Gordon Road excavations. Shells, which apart from Corbicula were not common, appeared to be restricted to this horizon; none were observed in the coarser deposits above or below, or in the brickearth. Valvata piscinalis (Muller) 1 Belgrandia marginata (Michaud) 2 Bithynia tentaculata (Muller) 8 Lymnaea truncatula (Muller) 2 ,, palustris (Muller) 1 Planorbis (Planorbis) sp. indet. 1 *Arianta arbustorum (Linne) 2 fragments *Land Species.