PLEISTOCENE DEPOSITS 99 *Helix ?nemoralis Linne 1 fragment *Helicella itala (Linne) 10 *Agriolimax sp. 1 Potomida littoralis (Cuvier) 2 fragments Unio ?tumidus Philipsson 2 ,, Anodonta anatina (Linne) 2 ,, Corbicula fluminalis (Muller) 113 valves Sphaerium corneum (Linne) 1 ,, Pisidium amnicum (Muller) 38 ,, ,, clessini Neumayr 3 ,, ,, casertanum (Poli) 1 ,, ,, henslowanum (Sheppard) 42 ,, ,, moitessierianum Paladilhe 4 *Land Species. The freshwater Mollusca indicate the clear calcareous waters of a freely flowing river. Land snails are very scarce, the least uncommon species being Helicella itala, a xerophile suggesting the presence of dry open grassland. All the examples are of an usual form, being smaller and more contracted than is normal, and exhibit a distinctly raised spire. This fact was pointed out by J. P. Johnson in reference to shells of H. itala from Uphall'(1901, p. 211). The rediscovery of Potomida [Unio] littoralis is of some interest. This species was listed for Ilford by Boyd Dawkins in 1867 (p. 100), but the record was subsequently rejected on account of the disappearance of original specimens (B. B. Woodward, 1890, p. 370), and P. littoralis was not found by later investigators. The fauna, considered as a whole, indicates a warm- temperate climate, with annual temperatures above those of Britain today, and probably milder winters. Belgrandia marginata, Potomida littoralis and Corbicula fluminalis are southern forms now unknown in these latitudes, whilst the extinct Pisidium clessini ( =P. astartoides Sandberger), which