124 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Lepidoptera in South-East Essex in 1957 By A. J. DEWICK Generally a poor year, there was some sign of migratory activity in the first half of July and again in mid. and late September, in both cases terminated by bad weather. Although the first Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta L.) was seen on April 24th the species was not seen again until June 28th. 128 were seen in the season, the last on October 30th. The first Painted Lady (V. cardui L.) was seen on June 15th, another on July 4th and two during the first half of September; far below average. The Clouded Yellow (Colias croceus Fourcr.) was first seen on July 16th, two more were seen in early September and five more in the first half of October, the last being seen on October 12th on the sea-wall bordering the Dengie Flats. Of the eight seen during the season all were males. The Pale Clouded Yellow (C. hyale L.) was again an absentee. It has not been seen locally since 1951, though a single male was seen at Canewdon on August 15th, 1953. The Silver-Y moth (Plusia gamma L.) first appeared in the light-trap on May 2nd but did not appear in any quantity except in the period September 18th to 24th inclusive, the total for the seven days being 4,990 out of the year's total of 9,913. The last was seen on November 28th. Only one Convolvulus Hawkmoth (Herse convolvuli L.) was recorded, a female on September 9th. A specimen of the Humming-Bird Hawkmoth (Macroglossum stellatarum L.) was seen on July 2nd and two more on the 19th. Nomophila noctuella Schiff. had a very poor year. It was first taken on June 10th, another was taken on July 21st and three more during the P. gamma influx in September. The Busty-dot Pearl (Pyrausta martialis Guen. (syn. ferrugalis Hubn.)) was scarcer than usual, one being taken on August 31st, seven with the P. gamma in September, and one on October 24th. There was a fairly varied sample of the less common migrants as follows— Nola albula Schiff. (Kent Black-arches)—July 3rd. Celama aerugula Hubn. (Scarce Black-arches)—a female on July 3rd and a pair on the 4th. Laphygma exigua Hubn. (Small Mottled Willow)—July 5th and 17th. Heliothis peltigera Schiff. (Dark Bordered Straw)—August 21st. H. armigera Hubn. (Scarce Bordered Straw)—September 11th. Lithosia quadra L. (Large Footman) and Palpita unionalis Hubn. (Scarce Olive-tree Pearl)—September 22nd. Leucania unipuncta Haw. (Whitespecked Wainscot)—A rather indifferent specimen on October 7th. Possibly a new county record. A notable absentee was Nyctosia obstipata Fabr. (Narrow-barred Carpet) of which at least one had occurred every year from 1945 to 1956 inclusive.