REPORTS OF MEETINGS 133 No further nominations were made during the meeting. It was announced that certain amendments to the Rules which had become necessary as a result of the recent agreement with the Corporation of West Ham would be notified to members shortly and would be put forward for adoption at the Annual General Meeting in March. Mr. Bernard Ward exhibited a mounted specimen of the Storm Petrel recently added to the collection in the Epping Forest Museum (see Vol. 30, Part 1, p. 666). He also showed a mounted embryo of Fallow Deer (Dama dama L.) and prepared sections of another embryo from a doe which had been killed on the Epping road. Mr. Belcher showed coloured drawings of Green, Yellow-green, Golden Yellow and Blue-green Algae and Diatoms, all from Caesar's Well, Keston Common, Kent. Mr. Kenneth Marshall, B.A., Curator of the Passmore Edwards Museum, then read a paper entitled "Some Thoughts on Museums". He confined his remarks to some three-quarters of an hour and thus left time for an interesting discussion on the subject in which several members took part. The ideas put forward by Mr. Marshall were generally approved by those present and appreci- ation of the good work which he was doing in the Museum was freely expressed. After the meeting members took tea in one of the College rooms. Annual General Meeting (1,006th Meeting) SATURDAY, 30 MARCH, 1957 This meeting was held at the West Ham College of Technology at 3 p.m. with the President, Mr. E. E. Syms, in the chair. The attendance was 36. Miss Erica M. F. Swale, B.Sc., of 21, Hillfield Road, Muswell Hill, war elected to membership of the Club. Mr. Bartrop referred to an observation reported to him that mice (prob- ably house mice) had survived for five months in a large, dark, gas-tight store containing only apples in boxes. During this period the temperature had been maintained at 38 degrees F. and the carbon-dioxide content at about 5%. The only apparent effect on the mice was that they had grown long coats. The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting were then read and signed by the President. The Hon. Secretary read the Report of the Council for 1956. The Hon. Treasurer then reported that the accounts had been circulated to all members. He said that the excess of expenditure over income was largely accounted for by the expenditure in connection with the 1,000th Meet- ing and other non-recurring items. He moved that the accounts be adopted and the motion was seconded by the Hon. Secretary and passed unanimously. The President then read the proposed amendments to the Rules which had been necessitated by the recent Agreement with West Ham Corporation on the management of the Passmore Edwards Museum and had been circu- lated to all members. It was proposed and seconded that the amendments be adopted and the proposal was passed unanimously. Mr. Laurence S. Harley, Vice-President, then took the chair and proposed that Mr. E. E. Syms, f.r.e.s., f.z.s., be re-elected President for the ensuing year. The proposal was carried with acclamation.