134 THE ESSEX NATURALIST He then read the names of those nominated at the February meeting as Officers and as members of Council. All were declared elected. The President then delivered his address "Notes on our Social Wasps". He illustrated the lecture with a number of photographic lantern slides and on conclusion expressed his readiness to answer questions on the subject. Several members took advantage of the opportunity to raise interesting points which were dealt with by the President. Mr. Harley then thanked the President for his address on behalf of those present and asked that, if possible, the material should be made available for publication in The Essex Naturalist. Members then went down to tea. Spring Meeting in Epping Forest (1,007th Meeting) SUNDAY, 28 APRIL, 1957 A party of members met at Loughton Garage for a walk through the Forest in order mainly to study bird song. The first stop was in the vicinity of Goldings Hill Ponds where it was found that a disappointingly small number of birds were in song. Some time, however, was spent here and the opportunity was taken to acquaint some of the less well versed members with the songs of some common species and this object was kept in mind as we walked by Baldwins Pond and along the Clay Path to High Beach. In a glade on the northerly slopes lunch was taken and during the break a Nuthatch was heard and seen frequently. Afterwards the walk was resumed to Woodredon Farm. Along the private road past Woodredon opportunity occurred to see some of the birds of open farmland and when the party reached the green lane at Woodredon Whitethroats were in evidence in the hedgerows. Eventually the road was gained at Wood Green, several more members in cars were encountered and the whole party proceeded to the Woodbine Inn for tea. While waiting for the meal to be served several members walked across the road into the Forest where in the thicket was singing the first Nightingale heard during the day. After tea a short informal meeting was held and Mr. Geoffrey V. P. Sewell, f.r.e.s., F.z.s., of A.M.Q.7, R.A.F., Hornchurch, was elected to membership of the Club. South Essex Cryptogamic Excursion (1,008th Meeting) SATURDAY, 18 MAY, 1957 This excursion, in which nineteen members took part, was arranged for the study of bryophytes and lichens. The first collecting place was Hart's Wood near Brentwood where, after a short introductory talk by Mr. Pettifer on the life-history and classification of Bryophyta, twenty-four species (a list of which is appended) were collected during an hour's walk through the rather open wood consisting mainly of birch, sessile oak and sweet chestnut. Lichens were poorly developed except the grey- green crustaceous Lecanora conizaeoides Nyl. ex Cromb., a species found on tree-trunks and palings which is tolerant of considerable atmospheric pollution; Cladonia coniocraea Flk. was found on a decaying stump. Before returning to the coach, the party made a short sortie into Thorn- don Park where the mosses Tortula muralis Hedw., Ceratodon purpureus