148 THE ESSEX NATURALIST 1. 1900b. "Palaeolithic Flint Implements from the Chalk Downs of the Isle of Wight and the Valleys of the Western Yar and Stour", Geol. Mag., 1900, 406-12. See also 1902a. The artifacts include Clactonian, Acheulian and Levallois. Those from the High Down site appear to be largely Clactonian (living site, for several flakes were replaced). They were calcined flints here, but too near the surface to be reliably contemporaneous. Natural pressure flaking observed in situ (1923r, p. 161). —. 1900c. Specimens illustrating origin of eoliths exhibited at meet- ing of Geologists' Association, Nov. 1900 (see 1905b). 2. 1902a. "The Value of Mineral Condition in determining the Relative Age of Stone Implements". Geol. Mag., 1902. 97-105. High Down, Isle of Wight, p.101 (see 1900b), artifacts mainly Clactonian, some Acheulian. —. 1902b. Further finds from the Isle of Wight. Levallois cores and flakes, from gravels at Freshwater (Yar river), etc. Proc. Geol. Assoc., 1903, 18, 96. 3. 1903a. "The Blown Sands and Associated Deposits of Towan Head, Newquay, Cornwall", with A. Santer Kennard. Geol. Mag., 1903, 19-25. Non-marine mollusca recorded; undated midden with Mytilus. 4. 1903b. "On a Section of the Thames Alluvium in Bermondsey". with A. Santer Kennard, Geol. Mag., 1903, 456-460. Mammalia, mollusca and plant remains recorded from section in Tooley Street. —. 1903c. Op. cit., p. 525: Correction, printer's error: street level on section—not sea level. 5. 1904. "On the Recent Tufaceous Deposit of Totland Bay, Isle of Wight", with A. Santer Kennard. Geol. Mag., 1904. 19-22. Non-marine mollusca. —. 1905(7. Fossil Marine Turtle Fish, and Crustacea; London Clay. Frinton and Walton. Exhibited at meeting of Geol. Assoc. Nov. 1905 [not in published record]. Specimens now in British Museum (Nat. Hist.). 6. 1905b. "On the Origin of Eoliths", Man, 1905, 103, 6 figs. (For correction of printer's error see 1906a). 7. 1905c. "On the Origin of 'Eolithic' Flints by Natural Causes. especially by the Foundering of Drifts", Journ. Roy. Anthrop. Inst., 35, 337-64, Pl. XXVI. —. 1906a. Correction of printer's error, Man, 1906, 3. —. 1906b. On April 6, lecture arising from above delivered at University College, London, entitled "The Pressure Chip- ping of Flint and the Question of Eolithic Man". Meeting of Geologists' Association.