PUBLICATIONS OF S. HAZZLEDINE WARREN 153 Naturalist, 18, 5. Previously exhibited at meeting of Geol. Assoc, Nov. 7, 1913. 24. 1915b. "Visit to the Essex Museum of Natural History", Proc. Geol. Assoc. 26, 224-5. —. 1915c. Contribution to discussion on Bone Implement, Piltdown. Quart. Journ. Geol. Assoc., 71, 149. 25. 1915d. "The Dating of Early Human Remains", Presidential Address. Essex Field Club, Essex Naturalist, 18, 40-59. 26. 1916a. "Further Observations on the Late Glacial, or Ponders End, Stage of the Lea Valley", with reports on the mol- lusca, by A. S. Kennard and B. B. Woodward, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, 71, 164-182, pl., 3 figs. See also 1912ft; 1923d. Corrections: The apparent Middle Terrace of the Hedge Lane section (p. 167) proved to be solifluxion gravel. Identification of the small bovine revised in 1939c. Mol- lusca revised in 1955ft. —. 1916b. See under 1912a. 27. 1917a. "Pre-history in Essex, as recorded in the Journal of the Essex Field Club", Presd. Address for 1916, Essex Natural- ist, 18, 145-186. Also in book form as Vol. V of the Essex Field Club Special Memoirs (1918). Classifies over 300 items, and includes a few original records, e.g. East Mersea Hippopotamus [no.61], 28. 1919a. "The Dating of Surface Flint Implements" and the " Evidence of the Submerged Peat Surface", Proc Prehist. Soc. E. Anglia, 3, 94-104, 2 pls. Fauna of "Lyonesse" surface (Beaker period), p.97. (Pig recorded later.) —. 1919b. "Some Suggestions on the Flaking and Evolution of Flint Implements". Lecture to Geologists' Association, March 1. 29. 1919c. "A Stone-axe Factory at Graig-lwyd, Penmaenmawr". Journ. Roy. Anthrop. Inst., 49, 342-365, 76 figs. See also 1921(7; 1922(7; 1941ft. Petrology of Graig-lwyd greenstone described by H. H. Thomas, p.365; thinning flakes noted, p. 358. —. 1920a. Exhibit of Graig-lwyd axes. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, 76, Proc, iv. —. 1920b. Graig-lwyd axes exhibited at Royal Society soiree (by Dr. Smith Woodward), May 12. Repeated at the Ladies' evening, June 22. 30. 1920c. "A Natural Eolith Factory beneath the Thanet Sand", Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, 76, 238-253, pl.XV, 31 figs. —. 1920d. "Graig-lwyd Excavation Committee" (Notice and appeal for funds). Man. 1920, 21.