154 THE ESSEX NATURALIST 31. 1921a. "Excavations at the Stone-axe Factory of Graig-Lwyd, Penmaenmawr", Journ. Roy. Anthrop. Inst., 51, 165-199, pls.V-VII, numerous figs. See also 1919c; 1922a; 1914a. Palaeolithic resemblances noted, p. 193; plants p. 195. —. 1921b. Large exhibition of the Graig-Lwyd discoveries at Society of Antiquaries. Burlington House, May, 1921; smaller exhi- bition at Geologists' Association, Nov. 7, "1924" (1921?). —. 1921c. Palaeolithic spear from Clacton. In O. G. S. Crawford, "Man and His Past", Oxford, p.14. See 1911h.. 33. 1922a. "The Neolithic Stone Axes of Graig-Lwyd, Penmaen- mawr", Arch. Cambrensis, 77, 1-32, 15 figs., 2 pls. An extended summary of 1919c, and 1921a, with some additional information. —. 1922b. Pleistocene Classifications, discussion at meeting of Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., in Hull. 32. 1922c. "The Red Crag Flints of Foxhall", Man, 1922, 53. Also correspondence in Man, Dec, 1922. Correct p.2 to: "When at Ipswich my attention was particularly directed to one from Thorington Hall as being the most convincing example of the Foxhall industry". 34. 1922d. "The Mesvinian [now Clactonian] industry of Clacton-on- Sea", Proc. Prehist. Soc. 3, 597-602, 10 figs. See also 1951a. 1958. Fossil mammalia noted. —. 1922e. "Man and the Ice Age", Man, 105. —. 1922f. Pressure Flakings from the Boulder Clays. Exhibit at meeting of Geologists' Association, Nov. 3. —. 1923a. "The Eolithic Problem: a Reply", Man, 1923, 51. 35. 1923b. "Sub-Soil Flint Flaking Sites at Grays" (report of Excur- sion), Proc. Geol. Assoc. 34, 38-42, 1 fig. 36. 1923c. "Sub-Soil Pressure Flaking", Presd. Address. Proc Geol. Assoc, 34, 153-175. figs. 19-26. Contact flaking at High Down, Isle of Wight (1900ft), photo p.161, also Man, 1905, 103, fig. 4. 37. 1923d. "The Late Glacial Stage of the Lea Valley" (Third Report), with E. M. Reid on the plant remains, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, 79, 603-605. See also 1912ft. —. 1923e. Geologists' Association visited S.H.W's Private Museum on March 17. 39. 1923f. "Visit to Dordogne, France", Geol. Assoc. 35 (1924), 135-141. 38. 1923g. "The Elephas antiquus bed of Clacton-on-Sea (Essex) and its Flora and Fauna", with Reports by C. & E. M. Reid, J. Groves, C. W. Andrews, M. A. C. Hinton, T. H. Withers, A. S. Kennard and B. B. Woodward, Quart.