PUBLICATIONS OF S. HAZZLEDINE WARREN 155 Journ. Geol. Soc, 79, 606-634, plan and sections. Ref. 1911h; 1924c; 1932c; 1951a; 1955b. "Bison minor", for correction see 1939c (Holocene). —. 1924a. Visit to Graig-Lwyd by Llandudno, Colwyn Bay and Dis- trict Field Club. Lecture to same Society Oct. 8, 1924. —. 1924b. Description of the above visit in The Heart of Northern Wales, Vol. II, by W. Bezant Lowe (revised by S.H.W.). 41. 1924c. "The Elephant-bed of Clacton-on-Sea", Essex Naturalist, 21, 32-40, pls.V-VI. See also 1955ft, etc. 40. 1924d. "The Flint Flakings of the Weybourne Crag", Geol. Mag., 1924, 135-141. See also 1948ft. 42. 1924e. "Pleistocene Classifications", Presd. Address, Proc. Geol. Assoc., 35, 265-282. Opposing opinions on correlation tabulated. —. 1924f. In R. L. Sherlock and R. W. Pocock, "The Geology of the Country around Hertford", Mem. Geol. Survey. Fossils from London Clay. Cheshunt, p.24, coll'd by S.H.W. —. 1924g. "The Trail, its Character and Date", Man, 1924, 43. 43. 1924h. "Palaeolithic and Neolithic Implements from the Thames Valley and Elsewhere": A Report on the Collection of the "Chip Chap Club", Essex Naturalist, 21, 67-77, pls.IX, X. —. 1924i. In W. J. Sollas, "Ancient Hunters". 3rd ed., p.195. Palaeolithic wooden spear from Clacton, flg'd. See also 1911ft. —. 1925a. Fossil Elephants of the Thames Valley. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, 81, 86. —. 1925b. "On Two Large Groups of Marsh-Mounds on the Essex Coast": Morant Club Report, with Miller Christy, W. H. Dalton and F. W. Reader, Trans. Essex Arch. Soc, (n.s.) 18, 38-40, pl. and figs. 45. 1925c. "The Study of Flint Flaking", Proc. Univ. Bristol Spelaeol. Soc, 1925, 302-308. See also 1914d. etc. 44. 1926a. "Hardening Solutions for Fragile Specimens, Proc. Geol. Assoc, 37, 225-7. —. 1926b. "Problems of the Thames Gravels". Opening Paper for discussion at meeting of Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Oxford. —. 1926c. Models of Flint Flaking. Exhibition at Soiree of Royal Anthropological Institute, January 26 and February. See Nature, 117, 167. Also exhibited at meeting of Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 47. 1926d. "The Classification of the Lower Palaeolithic with especial reference to Essex", Presd. Address to Geology Section, Trans. S.E. Union Sci. Soc, 1926, 38-50, 1 pl. First definition of Clactonian. River terrace deposits, gravel