PUBLICATIONS OF S. HAZZLEDINE WARREN 157 —. 1931b. Pre-Roman date of the Scrobicularia clay in Lincolnshire. In discussion of paper by H. H. Swinnerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, 87, 374. 50. 1932a. "Prehistoric Timber Structures associated with a Brique- tage Site in Lincolnshire'', Antiq. Journ., 12, 254-6, 2 pls. See 1907ft. —. 1932b. In H. Breuil, "Les Industries a eclats du Paleolithique ancien I: Le Clactonien", Prehistoire, t.I, fasc.ii, 125-190. 53 Clacton artifacts from S. H. W. collection are figured. 51. 1932c. "The Palaeolithic Industries of the Clacton and Dover- court Districts", Essex Naturalist, 24, 1-29, pl. and figs. Supplement by A. S. Kennard on Mollusca. 29-31. See also 1923g; 1937; 1940a; 1951a; 1955ft. A. S. K's list of Mollusca is from Lion Point and merges the freshwater and estuarine stages. Immense numbers of Unio littoralis had valves united and the hinge ligament preserved. 52. 1932d. "The Palaeolithic Industry of Clacton-on-Sea, Essex". Proc. First Internal. Congr. Prehist and Protohist. Sci., London, 1932, 69-70. See also 1951a, etc. —. 1932e. Review of J. H. Pull, "The Flint Miners of Blackpatch". (Not located. Editor.) —. 1933a. In G. C. Dunning, on a Beaker from Freshwater, I.O.W. Nat. Hist. and Arch. Soc, 1933, 293. —. 1933b. Discussion of lecture by T. E. Longfield on "Subsidence of London", Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, 89, cvii-cviii. Evidence of changes in level on Essex coast, Plumstead Marsh. 53. 1934a. "An Ancient Graveyard near Nazeing", Essex Naturalist, 25, 50-51. ? Saxon or Late Roman. 54. 1934b. "An Early Mesolithic site at Broxbourne Sealed under Boreal Peat", with J. G. D. Clark, H. and M. E. Godwin, and W. A. Macfadyen, Journ. Roy. Anthrop. Inst., 64, 101- 128, numerous figs. See also 1912c; 1938ft; 1947ft; 1952a. —. 1934c. In S. H. Reynolds, "British Pleistocene Mammalia: Alces (Supplement)", p.8, Mon. Palaeontographical Soc, Lon- don. Alces recorded from Arctic beds of the Lea Valley. See also 1912ft; 1938ft; 1939c. 55. 1935a. "The Sub-Crag Flints of East Anglia". Privately printed (refused publication by Nature). See also 1924d; 1941a. 56. 1936a. "Archaeology of the Submerged Land Surface of the Essex Coast", with S. Piggott, J. G. D. Clark, M. C. Burkitt and H. and M. E. Godwin (Essex Coast Sub-Committee of the Fenland Research Comm. of Cambridge), Proc. Prehist. Soc, n.s., 2, 198-210, 6 pls., figs. See also 1912a; 1919a (mammalia); 1939a; 1947a; 1955a.