PUBLICATIONS OF S. HAZZLEDINE WARREN 159 Terraces; Grays—Clacton Stage (see 1955b); Crayford Stage; Ponders End Stage; Holocene deposits. —. 1942b. Rude Implements, re-chipped from polished axes, from "Lyonesse" surface, Essex coast. Essex Naturalist, 27, 169. See also 1912a. —. 1942c. "Bill-hook" scrapers of the Palaeolithic Clacton industry. Description of exhibit. Essex Naturalist, 27, 150. See also 1922a; 1936a; 1951a. —. 1942d Roman glass bead, Ongar; and a dubious axe-shaped bronze object said to be from Romford. Essex Naturalist, 27, 170. —. 1943a. Discs (? quoits) of Samian and dark-grey Romano-British ware. Essex Naturalist, 27, 207. —. 1943b. Patination of Flint by Iron-Bacteria. Essex Naturalist, 27, 208. —. 1943c. Sickle-Flint of Kentish type from the Islet of Burhou near Alderney. Essex Naturalist, 27, 208. —. 1943d Flaking technique by bars of wood or bone. Essex Natur- alist, 27, 210. —. 1943e. True Gravers of Neolithic date from the submerged sur- face of North-Eastern Essex. Essex Naturalist, 27, 210. See also 1936a. —. 1944a. Romano-British pottery from an occupation site at West- land Green, near Little Hadham. Essex Naturalist, 27, 248. —. 1944b. Technique of the Clactonian Palaeolithic Industry. Essex Naturalist, 27, 249. 61. 1945a. "Some Geological and Prehistoric Records on the N.W. Border of Essex", Presidential Address, with Report on Mollusca by A. S. Kennard, Essex Naturalist, 27, 273-80. Condensed records from a number of sites. The deposit at Tilekiln Green, although shallow, had several distinct strata —S.H.W. made separate collections from each, but A.S.K. merged them together except some from "Peat" (bed 4)— this bed also supplied some part of those merged in the "Shell-bed" list. Acheulian, Levallois, Mesolithic and Neo- lithic artifacts. Pebble Gravel, p.273 (for erratics, see 1957a). —. 1946. The problems of the cut bone and the chipped flints from Piltdown. MS sent to A. S. Kennard with idea (later abandoned) of publication with paper by A. T. Marston which was read at meeting of Geologists' Association, July 5, but not published. —. 1947a. In K. P. Oakley, "Fossil and Sub-fossil Vertebrates in Hertfordshire", Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc, 22, 239-246. Records of Pleistocene and Holocene mammalia from Lea Valley.