160 THE ESSEX NATURALIST —. 1947b. In K. P. Oakley, "Early Man in Hertfordshire", op. cit., 247-256. Records of Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic artifacts in Lea Valley. —. 1947c. Many quartzose pebbles (not calcined) packed to fill a basin-shaped hollow in the "Lyonesse" surface. Essex Naturalist, 28, 39. See also 1936a. —. 1947d. Field meeting at Broxbourne, conducted jointly with K. P. Oakley, on April 13. Demonstration of Nazeing-beds; Pleistocene-Holocene-transition. Trans. Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc, 23, 1949, xxiii. See also 1952a. 62. 1948a. "Flint Flaking", Nature, 161, 569 (April 10). The problem of the Weybourne Crag Flints found by T. T. Paterson. 63. 1948b. "The Crag Platform, its Geology and Archaeological Problem", S.E. Nat. and Antiquary, 53, 48-52. Correction: a last-minute revision gave the first line a wrong meaning. It is not "in my opinion" that my views are "against all geologists", but in that of my critics. This is actually ex- plained in the text. See also 1924a; 1941a; 1948a. —. 1948c. "Primitive Huts [charcoal burners"] near London", Anti- quity, 22, 105. See also 1910a. —. 1949a. In E. M. Reid, "Arctic Plants from the Late Glacial Deposits of the Lea Valley", New Phytologist, 48, 245. See also 19126; 1916a; 1923d. Notes on the situation and character of some new sites were prepared by S.H.W. for inclusion, but were not published. —. 1950a. "(?(Palaeoliths from Nidderdale, Yorkshire", Arch. News Letter, 3, 5. —. 1950b. Second letter on above—answering a reply, op. cit., 3, 93. —. 1950c. Algal Concretion and Haematite (altered Iron Pyrites) from Flood-plain gravels of Lea. Essex Naturalist, 28, 237. See also 1956a. —. 1950d. "Clacton-on-Sea — where once they hunted Elephant". Daily Express, Dec. 6, 1950. Based on interview. 64. 1951a. "The Clacton Flint Industry; a new Interpretation", Henry Stopes Memorial Lecture, Proc. Geol. Assoc, 62, 107-135, 4 pls., 44 figs. Correction: a misunderstanding of A.S.K. on p.132—see 1955b, p.297, "Correlation". See also 1922a'; 1932c, p.20; 1937; 19556; 1958. —. 1951b. "The Artifacts of Rainbow Bar", Arch. News Letter, 4, 3. Clactonian and other ages represented. 67. 1952a. "Late Glacial Deposits at Nazeing in the Lea Valley. North London", with J. Allison and H. Godwin, Phil.