PUBLICATIONS OF S. HAZZLEDINE WARREN 161 Trans. Roy. Soc, B., 236, 169-240. The Nazeing Stage, Pleistocene-Holocene-transition. See also 19346; 1936a; 1957b. —. 1953a. In K. Pike and H. Godwin, "The Interglacial at Clacton- on-Sea, Essex", Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, 108, 261-272, pl.XIV. See also 1923g; 19556; 1957a. 65. 1954a. "Neolithic Pottery from the Submerged land-surface of the Essex coast", with I. F. Smith, 10th Report Univ. Lond. Inst. Arch., p.26-33, pl.III, figs. See also 1936a. —. 1954b. "A probable Hunter's Trap of the Iron Age". [Clacton- on-Sea]. Antiquity, 28, 113. 66. 1954c. "The 'Conglomerate Track'" (being comments on two papers by E. A. and E. L. Rudge), Essex Naturalist, 29, 167. Gravel moraine suggested as possibility. Correction: p.176, 1.21, corners of walls; p.177, 1.10 formerly. 68. 1955a. In I. F. Smith, "Late Beaker Pottery from the "Lyonesse" Surface and the Date of the Transgression". 11th Report Univ. Lond. Inst. Archaeol., p.2. 69. 1955b. "The Clacton (Essex) Channel Deposits", with appendices on the Marine Fauna by D. F. W. Baden-Powell, and on Root Concretions by the late W. N. Croft, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, 111, 283-307. Revision of mollusca (p.290), correlation (p.297), microtinae (p.289). See also 1922d; 1932c (p.13, Holland Gravel); 1937; 1953a; 1957a; 1958. —. 1956a. Holocene channel deposits at Broxbourne with calcareous alga concretions. Appendix in J. F. Hayward. Proc Geol. Assoc, 67, 58. See also 1950c; 1952a. 70. 1957a. "On the Early Pebble Gravels of the Thames Basin from the Hertfordshire-Essex Border to Clacton-on-Sea", Geol. Mag., 94, 40-46. See also 1942a; 1945a; 1955a. —. 1957b. Nazeing Stage sequence in J. F. Hayward, Essex Natural- ist, 30, 29. See also 1952a. —. 1958. The Clacton Flint Industry: A Supplementary Note, Proc Geol. Assoc, 69, 123-129. See also 1951a.